Some new spikes and blooms..

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Dec 9, 2006
Reaction score
Penang, Malaysia..d home of fabulous paphs.
Dend smilliae 'green' flowers still going strong after 1 month..

Phal amboinensis blooming again from the old spike.. The darn thing did not bloom for me when I was back in July... :mad:

A spike on Paph Lovesong (acmodontum x sukhakulii), brought home from Australia in July.. Hope it does not blast.. Paph buds love to blast on me... :(

A sheath on paph stonei that looks like buds are growing inside.. Fingers crossed for this one too..
Very nice Paphioboy!!!

Last year my stonei got about that far and then waited till the following Spring to bloom. I had a kolo do this too, but after the first growth bloomed a second put up a spike and bloomed in about a month after the first one took almost a full year.

No telling.

I have a 1st time supardii in about the same position as your stonei. I hope it blooms this summer too (rather than waiting till next year).
Thanks, Rick.. :) Hmm, then I'll suppose I have to wait.. This will be the first multi bloom for me.. The problem is that barbatas that spike for me tend to blast, sometimes in low bud and sometimes right before the bud opens.. I am not sure why.. And its usually 'easier' species too like callosum.. :(
At the last, 2006?, GNYOS Show, the Best in Show was a Den. smilliae, but it was the pinkish color, the green one is much nicer. Now just grow it to super specimen size and you can bring it to an orchid show for $5000 prize!
Dont get water in the buds, good luck! I'm still facinated by your green smilliae!

Go get one.. :D Not difficult to grow, just don't over-water the thing..

At the last, 2006?, GNYOS Show, the Best in Show was a Den. smilliae, but it was the pinkish color, the green one is much nicer. Now just grow it to super specimen size and you can bring it to an orchid show for $5000 prize!

I wonder.. Prize-winner for the year 2050..???? It only has 4 blooming-size canes despite growing for over 5 years from seedling...