define transport.
Cross an international border. Either direction from any country to any country.
(Otherwise CITES does not apply)
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define transport.
So if I mail you some restricted/illegal plants form another country you can get arrested?
So if I mail you some restricted/illegal plants form another country you can get arrested?
Back to the topic of this thread:
Reciept is a violation because you imported the plants without proper CITES permits.
It's also a violation of the Lacey Act. So there are multiple counts for one event.
Under the Lacey Act you may have all the proper permits to import but if the exporter makes an error with his export permits you are in violation even if you never touch the plants.
It's not based on value it's based on the act.
So, if I mail you plants, no payment or request, and they are not CITES/ Lacy Act, etc. approved or documented you can get arrested and fined? Read carefully.