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Splitting Nick Tannaci package?

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Albany, N.Y. USA
I MIGHT be able to be talked into a full share IF and only if anyone would be interested in the 100 seedlings out of compot and possible the 59 of the 2" to 4" seedlings. The problem becomes determining a far value for the split. I'm willing to listen if anyone is interested. Please don't ask me to come up with a dollar figuer but if you can, please P.M. me.
I’d like to make a request for members to start e-mailing me at home

[email protected]

rather than threw P.M. as I don’t want to run out of space in my P.M. box and am getting a number on inquirers. Still plenty left, in all sizes with the exception of the stud plants. Nothing in considered sold until payment in made.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was thinking the same thing!
When you sell something - no matter the way it 'goes' - you give up any say. But, selling as packages most definitely keeps the amount of buyers to a smaller number. Say 20 buyers as opposed to 200 buyers.
As you guys know I bought a share. Give me a holler if anyone wants anything other than the stud plants. The stud plants was what I was looking for so will sell most of the rest. I'll probable also be keeping some of the largest size to grow out and pick the best from.
:clap::clap:Got my portion of the split with Bob's share early yesterday morning.(and I know he got his plants ,too) All my brachy plants look great and will be treasured. It is an excellent deal!!!:D
Bob still has many plants that need new homes-good time to contact him as now he know what he has. A great opportunity to get some fabulous plants!!:)