St Swithin

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Johnson City, TN

One of Sam's Saint Swithin's via Little frog. This looks like it could be what the label says. My first attempt at staking a multifloral... Advice for next time would be much appreciated. It looks like I will get four flowers on this first blooming. I am not excited about the lack of clear contrast in the dorsal and the muddy color of the pouch but I still like it.1000001103.jpg
1000001104.jpgabove without flash, below with flash:

Strong Roth influence on the staminode.

So, given the recent reputation and controversy about OrchidInn crosses, does this look like what the label says? I'll keep it either way. I'm not breeding these or growing for awards. It's just for me.

Cultivation: indoors under LED shop and grow lights: about 120 ppfd for 12hr per day. Potting in larva Rock and grown semi hydroponic. Once a week fertilization with miracle grow and a midweek flush with tap water (4 GH). No heating, the basement goes down to the low 50s in winter.
I am not excited about the lack of clear contrast in the dorsal and the muddy color of the pouch......
I agree with your own valuation....Rob said he had bloomed out some nice St. Swithin but I don't think this one is one of the good ones.
The petals looked longer yesterday on the first flower to open and sure enough they were now almost 17cm.
The last 2 flowers are completing development up in the warmer dining room and am curious to see if their color changes compared to those that developed in the cool basement.

Tom your plant is awesome.
Probably less than a couple weeks to get fully open. Its actually blooming now. I was moving it to a different spot because the bloom spikes were going to hit the ceiling...broke off a spike and the pouch off another spike.
That blows. Looking at photos I was afraid mine would not have enough headroom but thankfully the stem didn't rise much above the very long leaves.

The oldest flower is now has petals about 18 cm. Most impressive. A flower that completed development upstairs seems to have a more contrasting dorsal sepal. Developmental temperatures might play a big role in how good the flowers look.

St. Swithins are awesome hybrids.

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