Take the chochlopedilum challenge

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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John M.

I just figured that if someone won from outside the US they most likely would not want to purchase the minimum order, that's all. Nothing against outsiders, we sell to Europe and Japan, and occasionaly ship flasks to Korea as well! OK, next time I do a game everybody is entitled to their discount, including you :poke: !


It would be fun to do a comparison shot of the leaves... hmm, I think we have a good contest idea! I'm busy getting ready for the slipper meeting in FL this weekend, but when things slow down I'll come up with something fun.

Happy Halloween~! I can barely type this post because every few seconds the doorbell rings!
I thought everyone would like to know my purchases from Jason's Challenge.
They came today, packing was excellent. Nice healthy plants. Thanks, Jason!

Heather said:
Dot, is that the Icho Tower made w/ the flavum? That's a really sweet plant.
Lusted after that one quite a bit! Sad to see today that Robin's Red Breast was already sold out. Curses!
Yes. It is Beauport x besseae flavum 'Canary Gold.'

I agree with you about Robin's Red Breast. That and several others that I really liked were sold out.