oops! ok, I first need to apologize, as I have re-read my first post and sounds a bit hard
not my intention to take merits from the Colombian river... which, is just amazing! I have been there too, but many many years ago, before it was impossible to go there because of the dangers of teh guerilla... nice to see it has been "re-opened" again for tourists...
BTW, if I recall it correctly the name should be Cristales and not Caristales, but maybe I just don't remember it correctly...as I said, it was long ago, and I still was quite a child... the place where this river flows is similar to the region where the Quebrada del Jaspe flows....
as for the "Quebrada del Jaspe"... yes, it has become a major touristic bath... with all the consequences it brings.... I am not against letting people visit the natural beauties of a country and enjoying them, but what is happening here is actually destroying the place (although, I must admit the indigenous people try to control the amount of trash and litter, which have become almost inexistent). People are allowed to bath under the waterfall using soap and making BBQs around it... on a typical day, you can have several hundreds there.. The river is not seasonal, however during the dry season it has less water (natural
) but the "dry" season means raining only once per day, instead of the whole day... 15 years ago, there was a pretty large colony of Phrag klotzschianum there...