false, it's intact, though a bit warm from getting groceries, paying for last plants, paying for gas, paying for club snacks, paying for gas again and then paying for more plants! (ouch)
tpbm also had some minor sinus pressure headaches at work today (though lots of people at work are really sick, so I don't feel so bad)
False, we don't celebrate, [well mostly I don't celebrate] religious holidays.
TPBM got Orchids Ltd order waiting at home and will order from 2 other sources later! [ADDICTED!]
TPBM saw Hepatica, Bloodroot (Sanguinia canadensis?), and some blue non-native thing blooming at the garden today. The Mertensia is coming along and the cyps have raised their heads out of the ground.
Turtles were out from under last week's still present ice and the mommy duck is back to raise babies the third year in a row.