SlipperKing Madd Virologist Joined Sep 16, 2007 Messages 19,916 Reaction score 1,793 Location Pearland TX Apr 10, 2009 #2,201 False, I'm the only one at work! everyone else is off! TPBM. Is itch'in for an orchid show!
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Apr 10, 2009 #2,202 true but i've got my orchid society meeting next week so hopefully the show table will be rockin' tpbm is an officer in his/her orchid society
true but i've got my orchid society meeting next week so hopefully the show table will be rockin' tpbm is an officer in his/her orchid society
Yoyo_Jo Catt's Meow Joined Feb 15, 2008 Messages 5,464 Reaction score 0 Location Qualicum Beach, BC Apr 10, 2009 #2,203 False, not yet.... TPBM is trying to clean their desk off but keeps getting distracted.
Heather ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Jun 6, 2006 Messages 10,882 Reaction score 352 Location Sacramento, CA. Outside w/ Southeast Exposure Apr 10, 2009 #2,204 True, very distracted. TPBM has no appetite at all!
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Apr 10, 2009 #2,205 false. i'm starving!!! tpbm is ready for a nap
C Clark Guest Apr 10, 2009 #2,206 false. Busy today. tpbm is going to have a few beers when he is done with his roof garden(soon)
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Apr 10, 2009 #2,207 false. i'm hopin' to take a bike ride but i haven't eaten anything all day so i may not have time or energy.... one aspect of tpbm's job is as a tour guide
false. i'm hopin' to take a bike ride but i haven't eaten anything all day so i may not have time or energy.... one aspect of tpbm's job is as a tour guide
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Apr 10, 2009 #2,208 likespaphs said: one aspect of tpbm's job is as a tour guide Click to expand... ... you mean telling people 'where to go'? maybe occasionally have to tell a worker where a certain house is tpbm doesn't have a laundry room with a cash jar in it
likespaphs said: one aspect of tpbm's job is as a tour guide Click to expand... ... you mean telling people 'where to go'? maybe occasionally have to tell a worker where a certain house is tpbm doesn't have a laundry room with a cash jar in it
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Apr 10, 2009 #2,209 True, our laundry room takes prepaid cards! TPBM is very busy at work.
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Apr 10, 2009 #2,210 true, busy making dessert for a dinner tomorrow tpbm has dwarf albino cory catfish that eat and eat but never get bigger
true, busy making dessert for a dinner tomorrow tpbm has dwarf albino cory catfish that eat and eat but never get bigger
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Apr 11, 2009 #2,211 false. clown loaches are growing fairly quickly tpbm has seen a really big goldfish
Heather ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Jun 6, 2006 Messages 10,882 Reaction score 352 Location Sacramento, CA. Outside w/ Southeast Exposure Apr 11, 2009 #2,212 True, just saw one in Japan. TPBM is watching a good film but needs to get to work!
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Apr 11, 2009 #2,213 technically false. i was watching the office.... tpbm had a big meal and is full
C Clark Guest Apr 11, 2009 #2,215 false. i'm in a different time zone. tpbm is going to plant their Cyprepedium parviflorum (2) outside tomorrow.
false. i'm in a different time zone. tpbm is going to plant their Cyprepedium parviflorum (2) outside tomorrow.
N nikv Guest Apr 11, 2009 #2,216 False. I don't think I can grow Cypripediums here in California. TPBM divided a specimen plant today.
False. I don't think I can grow Cypripediums here in California. TPBM divided a specimen plant today.
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Apr 11, 2009 #2,217 false tpbm, noticing that we are on page 222 of this thread, remembers watching 'room 222' a long time ago
false tpbm, noticing that we are on page 222 of this thread, remembers watching 'room 222' a long time ago
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Apr 12, 2009 #2,218 false (partially because the way i setup st on my computer, we're only on page 111 and mostly because i don't remember room 222) tpbm doesn't feel like working today
false (partially because the way i setup st on my computer, we're only on page 111 and mostly because i don't remember room 222) tpbm doesn't feel like working today
Heather ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Jun 6, 2006 Messages 10,882 Reaction score 352 Location Sacramento, CA. Outside w/ Southeast Exposure Apr 12, 2009 #2,219 True, but I have to get something done! TPBM is trying to eat breakfast.
C Clark Guest Apr 12, 2009 #2,220 true but ending up loggin' in to respond to a quote. tpbm is getting yelled at for being on the computer and not making breakfast
true but ending up loggin' in to respond to a quote. tpbm is getting yelled at for being on the computer and not making breakfast