The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
  • Start date
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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TPBM is getting tired of Easter leftovers, but was happy not to have to cook past 2 days!
true, because I work in a commerical greenhouse and its much nicer than when its 82 and sunny outside.. then its like working in a sauna.
tpbm spring is earlier this year far as i remember false. Eigther on the forst try or on the fifth or more...LOL

TPBM took some photos of local orchids recently!
False-did that 2 weeks ago! Have fun!

TPBM is excited that their Paph Lynleigh Koopowitz is in low bud!:D
Kinda false - I'm thrilled my LK is still alive & looking like it could bloom at sometime in the future!
TPB is going to their first baseball game of the season sometime this weekend!
false. might hit the surf for some stripers Sat or Sun night.

tpbm got flipped the middle leaf, twice, by Allison Strohm in the last 6 months.BLASTED
True! Only one Paph in spike, but several Phrags. :clap:

There was rain, hail, snow, thunder and lightning all at the same time today where TPBM lives. :eek:
mostly; we had rain and lightning last night after I got home from the show trip

tpbm is happy to be home after they were about a mile away and someone started to turn into their lane directly in front of them (good thing for quick reflexes and a large shoulder on my side or they would've been smacked). tpbm thinks they were either drunk or old/can't see over the steering wheel
Had to look this up. false.

tpbm is very close to trying to pollinate 2 phrags(for the first time)!
False, wish I had more than one phrag and also in spike...!

TPBM has a plant in spike that has no idea of what species it might be
Treu, received as a present from and labelled as "Orchidee ???"... two spikes now, and looking forward to see the flowers. I cannot even guess the genus by the plant habit!: it looks like a Eulophia with onion leave :D

TPBM, has been away from ST due to illness, travel, and/or problems accesing the website (all together more or less in a row, and overlapping)

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