C Clark Guest Apr 27, 2010 #4,561 false. but wish my english was better at times. tpbm is thinking about chicago at end of september.
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Apr 27, 2010 #4,562 False, but Va, R.I., this summer, and October to Ecuador and Florida! TPBM has been to the top of the Empire State Bldg.
False, but Va, R.I., this summer, and October to Ecuador and Florida! TPBM has been to the top of the Empire State Bldg.
N nikv Guest Apr 27, 2010 #4,563 Not sure. I've been to the observation deck on the 86th floor, but not sure if that is considered to be the "top". TPBM grows their own tomatoes in pots.
Not sure. I've been to the observation deck on the 86th floor, but not sure if that is considered to be the "top". TPBM grows their own tomatoes in pots.
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Apr 27, 2010 #4,564 used to, don't have good spot right now to keep doing it tpbm ate a gertrude hawke candy bar and is very disappointed at the lack of almonds in it
used to, don't have good spot right now to keep doing it tpbm ate a gertrude hawke candy bar and is very disappointed at the lack of almonds in it
Marco Slipperless member Joined Jun 9, 2006 Messages 4,104 Reaction score 149 Location Glen Rock - New Jersey Apr 27, 2010 #4,565 false i just had had Stracciatella Lindor Truffles theyre awesome tpbm below me just got home from work and is reading tpbm thread
false i just had had Stracciatella Lindor Truffles theyre awesome tpbm below me just got home from work and is reading tpbm thread
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Apr 27, 2010 #4,566 close; just home from laundry tpbm is about to put some bread in the oven mmmmmm!
B biothanasis Guest Apr 28, 2010 #4,567 False....! But it is a good idea! TPBM hopes the one carnivorous he/she has will set seeds soon...!!!
False....! But it is a good idea! TPBM hopes the one carnivorous he/she has will set seeds soon...!!!
C Clark Guest Apr 28, 2010 #4,568 true. but i have more than one. have what you have, and germinated 4 plants. but doesn't look like they made the winter. btw, 'Tarnok' = sterile. tpbm has been putting money back into the economy the last 3 weeks.
true. but i have more than one. have what you have, and germinated 4 plants. but doesn't look like they made the winter. btw, 'Tarnok' = sterile. tpbm has been putting money back into the economy the last 3 weeks.
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Apr 28, 2010 #4,569 True. TPBM has strained leg muscle and could use a real massage.
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Apr 28, 2010 #4,570 probably true tpbm went looking for mushrooms tonight after work
Yoyo_Jo Catt's Meow Joined Feb 15, 2008 Messages 5,464 Reaction score 0 Location Qualicum Beach, BC Apr 28, 2010 #4,571 Heh heh, I'd need a snow shovel to dig for them. :sob: (Yes, it's blizzarding here, we're expecting up to 40 cm of snow by tomorrow night). TPBM is thinking of sleeping in and going into work late tomorrow.
Heh heh, I'd need a snow shovel to dig for them. :sob: (Yes, it's blizzarding here, we're expecting up to 40 cm of snow by tomorrow night). TPBM is thinking of sleeping in and going into work late tomorrow.
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Apr 29, 2010 #4,572 true but i didn't do it tpbm is gonna grab lunch
N nikv Guest Apr 29, 2010 #4,573 True in a couple of hours. It's only 9am here. TPBM won an item in this week's forum auction. :rollhappy:
True in a couple of hours. It's only 9am here. TPBM won an item in this week's forum auction. :rollhappy:
B biothanasis Guest Apr 29, 2010 #4,574 False, but there are seeral that I would like to win...:evil: TPBM hasn't eaten for 12 hours...
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Apr 29, 2010 #4,575 false!!! tpbm wants to have something sweet
E etex Guest Apr 29, 2010 #4,576 Always! TPBM had fun at the pool today and thinks it's a great way to get excersize(so they can eat the sweet things).
Always! TPBM had fun at the pool today and thinks it's a great way to get excersize(so they can eat the sweet things).
C Clark Guest Apr 29, 2010 #4,577 false. but... tpbm swam competively, and excelled at the breaststroke.
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Apr 29, 2010 #4,578 Part true, I excelled at breast strokes but not swimming! :evil: TPBM planted native orchids today.
B biothanasis Guest Apr 29, 2010 #4,579 False, but I'd love to!!! TPBM is eagerly waiting for a bunch of orchids to arrive...!
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Apr 29, 2010 #4,580 sort of; waiting for redland orchid festival and friend who will be collecting things and mailing them to me tpbm saw first tick and first dragonfly of the season (and saw fiddleheads and cuckoo flowers as well)
sort of; waiting for redland orchid festival and friend who will be collecting things and mailing them to me tpbm saw first tick and first dragonfly of the season (and saw fiddleheads and cuckoo flowers as well)