The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
  • Start date
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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kinda true

tpbm stayed remarkably calm in a situation in which he/she could have acted very differently and is glad he/she did
false. i exploded on truck driver during bike ride.

while pedallling the white line for 45 miles or so, Friday afternoon,
tpbm noticed an abundance of female sapiens showing teeth :D . (must be the heat :evil:)
while pedallling the white line for 45 miles or so, Friday afternoon,
tpbm noticed an abundance of female sapiens showing teeth :D . (must be the heat :evil:)
or maybe TBAM was pedaling through the "Business" quarter :poke:


Back to game:


TPBM has been invited by his/her Godchild to take him to a Middle Age Festival today... (Funny invitation: I want to invite you, but you bringthe car and take me there, and pay for everything!)

tpbm is sick of getting sweaty, stinky and dirty at their job and is looking for alternatives - anyone have any options?
(also a contributing factor is the great lack of dating situations found in tpbm's area, though the job factors are very great)
False, but I generally find there are always options.

TPBM bought some wonderful local strawberries today and is planning on strawberry pancakes for breakfast tomorrow :drool:.
False, hope you don't have to wait too long!

TPBM thinks that their cluster type catts might have a better presentation of blooms if they rotated the plant while in bud,so the buds/ blooms don't all face the same direction.
ma'am, i prefer the flowers all face the same way(until the petals/sepals crowd).

tpbm had their crocosmias licked by a hummingbird all week.
Very true! I hate travelling on three-day weekends!

TPBM will be attending a Fourth of July parade on Sunday.
False. Family reunion Saturday, though.

TPBM can hardly wait for her crocosmias to bloom so the hummingbirds can lick them. (I love that analogy!)
TPBM can hardly wait for her crocosmias to bloom so the hummingbirds can lick them. (I love that analogy!)

but FALSE, neither Crocosmias nor hummingbirds around here...

by the current heat in town, TPBM cannot stand anymore when people say "But you come from a hot country, you should be used to the heat!" and look at TPBM as if he/she were just arrived from Mars! (People tend to forget that the tropics can also be constantly cold!)
true...well...false, not from tropics but i don't like the heat and a long stretch of it is starting here...

tpbm likes the person below me game much more than he/she ever thought he/she would
true. it is very economical vs. buying a ragtop.

tpbm's garden has something for everybody.

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