The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
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tpbm has used contractor garbage bags and blue tape for temporary window treatments, at least once where they live now.

TPBM is still surprised after a seller informed TPBM at the phone that delivery (of a 500 Kg heavy item) means to bring it in a truck to the house of the client, and then the client must help to get it off the truck and bring it in the house himself...
false. though i would be annoyed and disappointed

tpbm is having a hard time motivating this morning/afternoon/evening/night/or whatever it may be.
False, but had some cheese (nonfrozen dairy).

TPBM drove past a large apartment building today, then got home later to find breaking news that the building is in flames-amazing how fast things change. TPBM is also glad everyone got out okay.
false. and true.

tpbm has suffered/is suffering from Frankenstein syndrome.
Dr. Ruth's (yes, the sex therapist) version from am radio, years ago-
When one has dated and dated. And has been in and out of numerous relationships. Never the 'right' lifelong partner, but there is always some desirable trait from past partners. After a while, one would pick the desirable trait from each partner and start building the perfect partner(Frankenstein) in their mind.
As one matures, their definition of Frankenstein becomes more refined. And the chances of finding the perfect mate diminishes.
false. i use google map.

tpbm should not drive or operate heavy machinery, while taking their new meds.
As a matter of fact, I just finished a Klondike bar, so, True.

TPBM spent the day on the road, doing some research with her husband and purchasing an aerator for their pond.

tpbm shot pelican and a few bull elk within minutes of eachother(with my canon, of course)

tpbm shot pelican and a few bull elk within minutes of eachother, today.(with my canon, of course)

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