B biothanasis Guest Jul 31, 2010 #4,981 False, but I hope you get well soon!!! TPBM recently got some deflasked seedlings!!!
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Jul 31, 2010 #4,982 False but probably will this weekend! TPBM is contemplating cold cereal for breakfast.
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Jul 31, 2010 #4,983 true but too late for me as i'm already at work tpbm knows someone who is very pregnant
B biothanasis Guest Jul 31, 2010 #4,984 False, TPBM wishes their appartment received more natural light!!!
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Jul 31, 2010 #4,985 true but without the heat in the summer tpbm was shocked this morning to hear the new neighbor's little kids running down the street yelling things that would make sailors proud
true but without the heat in the summer tpbm was shocked this morning to hear the new neighbor's little kids running down the street yelling things that would make sailors proud
B biothanasis Guest Jul 31, 2010 #4,986 False, but my head is loaded with little kids' upseting voices from the nearby appartments.....LOL TPBM cannot concentrate to write an essay...
False, but my head is loaded with little kids' upseting voices from the nearby appartments.....LOL TPBM cannot concentrate to write an essay...
luvsorchids Well-Known Member Joined Mar 13, 2009 Messages 690 Reaction score 11 Location Seattle, WA Jul 31, 2010 #4,987 True, though not for school. TPBM saw and heard lots of bagpipes being played today.
B biothanasis Guest Jul 31, 2010 #4,988 False... TPBM must immediately go to sleep because it is very late.....!
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Jul 31, 2010 #4,989 false tpbm wants to go on vacation
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Jul 31, 2010 #4,990 true but likely vacation will be after I get swissed tpbm saw tons of fat blackberries along their bike ride this afternoon but didn't stop because wanted fast time and wanted to see the near sunset on the way back (which was very nice)
true but likely vacation will be after I get swissed tpbm saw tons of fat blackberries along their bike ride this afternoon but didn't stop because wanted fast time and wanted to see the near sunset on the way back (which was very nice)
C Clark Guest Aug 2, 2010 #4,991 false. no bikes last weekend. tpbm got skunked fishing their last trip.(in 25yrs. i've never seen an algea bloom in the Delaware R., it was unfishable.)
false. no bikes last weekend. tpbm got skunked fishing their last trip.(in 25yrs. i've never seen an algea bloom in the Delaware R., it was unfishable.)
E eOrchids Well-Known Member Joined Jun 12, 2006 Messages 1,760 Reaction score 5 Location somewhere in NJ Aug 2, 2010 #4,992 False. Sorry to hear! TPBM has Facebook.
C Clark Guest Aug 3, 2010 #4,993 nope. tpbm (and his wife), had up close experience with 2 seperate genera/specie of eagle, within 3 hours of each other, recently.
nope. tpbm (and his wife), had up close experience with 2 seperate genera/specie of eagle, within 3 hours of each other, recently.
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Aug 3, 2010 #4,994 False on all 3 issues! TPBM is about to separate some compotted plants!
B biothanasis Guest Aug 3, 2010 #4,995 False. I wish I could grow seedlings that small!!! TPBM wishes they could grow Phrags successfully...!
False. I wish I could grow seedlings that small!!! TPBM wishes they could grow Phrags successfully...!
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Aug 4, 2010 #4,996 if successfully meant getting them to flower all the time and not have brown spots on leaves, then true! tpbm's collection is free of bugs or disease (I wish )
if successfully meant getting them to flower all the time and not have brown spots on leaves, then true! tpbm's collection is free of bugs or disease (I wish )
J jewel Well-Known Member Joined May 27, 2010 Messages 397 Reaction score 0 Aug 4, 2010 #4,997 true, at this time anyways tpbm likes the TV show Alf
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Aug 4, 2010 #4,998 False. TPBM likes Naruto!