The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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False - just had breakfast!

TPBM is foot-loose-fancy-free this gorgeous Saturday morning and trying to make up their mind how they're going to spend the day! :D
ah, well true and false. free from paid work, but doing much unpaid labor around the house. (haagen dasz sp? changed to all single flavors of ice cream and sorbet I think, probably too expensive to make the swirls. no problem, I can scoop a little of this, a little of that until I have the same thing ;) )

tpbm is looking forward to blueberry season and picked/ate some black raspberries outside at work for a snack recently
this is tough. maybe true but probably false. i should repot and definitely water tonight but i dunno if i shall....

tpbm thinks i really will water tonight
True. I realized on Friday when I was watering that I need to repot at least twenty orchids, but it's so nice outside, I really don't want to do it this weekend. And I also don't have any potting material, so that means I need to make a trip to Paramount Orchids, and I've never left there without at least one new plant and I really don't have any room for more but I know that wouldn't stop me. How did I become such an addict? Anyway, I digress...

TPBM went on a picnic yesterday.
Fals, but I would love to...:D

TPBM is trying to make a watering system for their plants for summer...:)
False, though I really would like to...have a headache from gawking at the computer all day. That's why I'm back on the computer now that I'm home. :rollhappy:

TPBM is hoping the evil looking thunderheads that are forming right now are not going to result in another hail storm...:(
False. I usually let them grow naturally since they’re generally strong enough/I don’t show my plants, but I’m actually considering it for a Norito Hasegawa—as in, I’ll probably do it today before it climbs out the window!

TPBM is going to see the new Batman movie this weekend.
False!, but that sounds nice. In addition to making time for the few movies we want to see a year, like the aforementioned Batman flick, my slacker husband and I go to Lake Michigan.

TPBM can also make a great pizza crust dough for rising in five minutes! It's even less painless after that.