The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
  • Start date
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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false. but wouldn't mind running into bed then maybe a little breakfast....

tpbm gets to spray pesticide today! yippee!!!
false; our temps are heading from slightly under normal back up to normal or slightly over. in upstate ny, if you don't like the weather just wait a few minutes......

tpbm learned to drive on a tractor
Nope, we don't get those puppies here, thank goodness (glad to hear you're unscathed...)

TPBM wishes summer was just starting instead of ending ... :(
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be answering.

True, wish summer wasn't ending though I prefer spring and fall temps. It's more about being slower at work and the traffic being easier.

TPBM (running with Charles)
Had to bring their plants in yesterday in case of hurricanes arriving (at least some rain and wind if not the real thing...)
false. just trash cans and whatnot. i don't put the plants outside...

tpbm is ready for this tropical storm thing
false. i wish! i've been disassembling the benches as we're getting new floors and new bench legs as ours are, well, rotting...

tpbm is gross and dirty from workin'...
Although lunch time has ended long ago, I am king of hungry right now, So semi true!!!!

TPBM has to buy a gift for a friend, but cannot make up their mind of what to buy...:D
False, but I want to upload some and never do...!

TPBM is thinking of increasing their small collection of stones and crystals!
False, I wish I had but not easy to take care of, for the time being...!!!

TPBM has been too late to go to sleep today...:rolleyes:
true but false on several counts: (1) no orchids outside at my house. (2) i ain't a her....

tpbm has an orchid society meeting tuesday night