The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
  • Start date
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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OMG, so_NOT_true! The amount of debt from education around here and the hidden and sudden expenses tacked on would make some faint. We've both had many crappy jobs, no monetary help from our parents and are now doing what we're best at despite being 32-year-olds living a dorm lifestyle, so we hold our heads high.

TPBM has begun their repotting for the season (after all, January doesn't=no growing tips).
Absolutely true... well, half true.. I had to repot some Dendrobia and Sedirea, due to a "little-creeping-I-Do-Not-What" invasion in the medium... The other plants, needed to be repotted will still have to wait for a couple of weeks...

TPBM, is going to visit a Ladyslippers Nursery today or tomorrow...
False, but it would be definately true if I there was one of these around here...:D:D:D

TPBM is saerching for a new mobile to purchase, but the colour he/she desires is sold out almost everywhere...:(
False!!! Do you mean that you experiment on yourself??? LOL

TPBM is going out for Indonesian food with some friends!!!
True... I visited an paph nursery today, and came back home with another plant (Paph venustum forma measuresianum) ... and many many many many others in my wish list :)

TPBM knows and will tell me how to convince the owner of the nursery to sell me a division of that great Paph. tranlienianum forma alboviride and/or from the Paph Saint Swithin x rothschildianum (surprisingly, a quite compact plant!!), from which he has only one plant of each....:drool:


  • Copy Paph venustum forma measuresianum.jpg
    Copy Paph venustum forma measuresianum.jpg
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    Copy Paph venustum forma measuresianum 2.jpg
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  • Copy Paph tranlienianum var alboviride.jpg
    Copy Paph tranlienianum var alboviride.jpg
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  • Copy Paph tranlienianum var alboviride 3.jpg
    Copy Paph tranlienianum var alboviride 3.jpg
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  • Copy Paph Saint Swithin x rothschildianum.jpg
    Copy Paph Saint Swithin x rothschildianum.jpg
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True, I usually go w/ "drunken, naked foto or else" pressure!
TPBM ordered more orchids today!!!

LOL I need to invite this guy for a wild drink... but need to think of something different than the "naked" pic, nudism is common and well seen in this part of Europe.. :rollhappy:

as per the game:

False... I brought them home by myself :)

TPMB, wishes that the vietnamese paphies become legal in the USA soon... ;)
False, but I would love to!!!!

TPBM is thinking whether mobile phones from uk are compatible with mobile services in his/her country, so that he/she purchases one from ebay...;)
alas, it is laundry time... and already down to 8F˚ outside. good thing I brought my liquid laundry detergent in from the car yesterday so it will now pour properly ;)

tpbm is wondering how to make money using their camera
Nope, though I'm thinking of entering one of my orchid photos in the Edmonton show, and hoping to win a prize. :D

TPBM bought a non-slipper orchid today. :evil:
False, it is Sunday and everything is closed...:(

TPBM is watching the behaviour of his/her fish !!
True, now I know it :) Happy Birthday!

TPBM is delighted watching the new prawns he/she bought today for the tank in his/her vivarium... :D