The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
  • Start date
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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false, any growths on pleiones I've ever purchased by now would be fungi in the compost pile

tpbm made some oatmeal cookies with both semi-sweet and bitter chocolate chips in them! :drool:
False :rollhappy::rollhappy: ordinary chocolate suits me good..!!! hahaha

TPBM is wondering how mushroom sweet or mushroom liquer will taste like...!!!
Nope, I've been good. Savin' my pennies for the Edmonton orchid show in two weeks...;)

TPBM is thinking that certain crappy looking orchids in their collection are soon going to get the toss to make space for new ones. :evil:
Have already done! First time I was able to come home from an orchid society meeting with LESS plants than what I took with me!

TPBM is looking forward to a nice curry for lunch!
false (but then again, i don't know what roti is)

tpbm is thinking about candy or ice cream while eating lunch...
false, can't remember what I was thinking about during lunch though I was eating some chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, and hot dogs draped with some leftover spaghetti squash/sauce

tpbm is now thinking about how nice it was inside the nice, sunny greenhouses today (and not about what it was like outside)
Tru & false ... it is sunny & the GH is wonderful! False ..... the outside is improving - we're starting a heatwave thru the middle of next week!
tpbm wishes they were going to the paph guild!
False, my diabetic cat took the role of the coffee 6 hours ago, when he came to my bed crying for the insulin (he behaves like a real junky!)

TPBM is really excited because he is been trying to grow Phragmies under his/her "less than optimal conditions" for this genus, and Phrag. wallisii has produce a spike with 5 buds... (crossing finger for them to grow and open without any lost due to bud blasting) :D
False, but could be true...;)

TPBM should have almost finished 2 projects for the university and he/she has almost done nothing yet...:( There is a long day ahead...!!!
false. i am giving a talk about pests today for an orchid society and i am mostly prepared! just need to make up some sealed bug petri dishes to show things off....

tpbm is still sleepy.
False, but I feel rather bored...!!!

TPBM desperately wants to purchase a phone with a good camera, cause does not have any camera at the momentit and is more convenient!