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Mrs. Paph

Timing and location finally worked out for me to go to an orchid show! It was the local Tulsa Orchid Society show, so it was a nice small introduction to the world of orchid shows :) Between the fact that it was small, and the article in the AOS magazine on the extra small display category, I decided I wasn't too intimidated to give it a shot and entered a display in the '5 or fewer plants' category. My P. argus that's been blooming since Jan (I'd have to check the date posted for a more accurate date on how long it's been open) was actually still in bloom and not ratty yet when most of the rest of my stuff is between fading and buds, so I made a simple, but nice IMO display stand for it! I was clerking for another group, but someone else was kind enough to tell me that it would have been a blue ribbon, except I didn't provide lighting and didn't have a backdrop. I already knew those were downsides given the bummer of a wall color, but since I had to borrow the black cloth, and had nothing left to borrow other than white tissue paper to stuff the bowl with, I'm happy to take the second place ribbon for it :clap:

The plant itself also got a second place ribbon in the Paph species category! :D And again, I was very happy with the second, b/c someone else had a micranthum just shy of being all the way open, so even I would have given it the win for ribbon judging if it had been my choice! :rollhappy:
Oh, and a yellow Phal. I just brought along to add to the society's display also got a second place ribbon in its category! lol...I do remember someone telling me to just bring everything, b/c you just never know what will strikes people's fancy for ribbon judging!
I also got to experience AOS judging for the first time too - man was that cool!!! I wasn't sure quite what to do, other than that I'd been assured that if I was interested I could go in the room, so I was hovering on the edge, and someone finally reassured me that I was welcome to sit down at a table with a team :p I was still nervous I'd be Bothering them though, but they didn't seem to mind, and the second group I sat with even let me look on and have a score sheet to look at while they scored, and let me in on the discussions and answered questions :) I'm afraid I'm hooked now, even if it means I have to drive to Oklahoma City early on Sat for the presentations and judging! When I told my husband that judges are volunteers, he just looked at me and told me I was such a sucker for plants LOL I really do enjoy all things hort related, and especially breeding related - I knew I wasn't going to strike it rich when I majored in it! I've been looking for an excuse to justify getting AQ plus, so I guess that's my next step. I noticed the ads say the initial price + S&H, but they don't mention how much it is when the first year updates run out...anyone know?
:drool: There was also an FCC (94pts averaged) awarded to an armeniacum hybrid (backcross I think) at another table, but of course I forgot my camera on the Worst day, and thought I'd remember the hybrid name, but I'm not sure, so I'll not cause a stir by giving any information that I'm not Certain of. Part of me wanted to ditch my table when that plant was brought to another table, but that would have been rude, so I just had to peek across the room while it was scored. :evil: I did look closely at it before it was judged though, and impressed me, but it was great to see that it impressed the judges that much too! The owner was at another table, and when they announced FFC he said they were jerking his chain, and to repeat it, so the other judged laughed and said FIRST CLASS CERTIFICATE! :clap: So, all in all, the size of this orchid show sure didn't stop it from being an impressively good time for me!
Haha, I already was anyway Eric...I don't think Orchid Fever ever goes away, the sickness just changes in magnitude, usually getting worse! :)

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