I've merged a few of the other colors pics, and posted a few images from fellow photographer art clark at the end of the other 'fall colors 1' thread I started yesterday. we went to limestone hollow nature center and nearby near McLean, NY yesterday and there quite a few interesting things, though I didn't have my camera for those four pics. these pics below are from last week and are mine
one of the views along cider street oriskany going past the old county airport
there was a very nice patch of yellow flowers (where the honeybee was) and
this view is through the flowers at the colored trees in the second merged image
closeup of yellow flower
fresh and 'dried' yellow flower (dry is seed head)
another larger view looking towards utica/new hartford area
the rest of these images need no subtitles!
one of the views along cider street oriskany going past the old county airport
there was a very nice patch of yellow flowers (where the honeybee was) and
this view is through the flowers at the colored trees in the second merged image
closeup of yellow flower
fresh and 'dried' yellow flower (dry is seed head)
another larger view looking towards utica/new hartford area
the rest of these images need no subtitles!