Does dropping Paphs all the time count as mishaps? Especially when it often results in said Paph falling out of its pot and/or snapping off parts of its roots... Oh, and killing one by dropping it when it had started to recover from 2 years of wrong culture. :sob:
I've come to the conclusion that I suffer from the fumblefingersyndrome (or rather that my orchids suffer from my having fumblefingersyndrome), but that my orchids have unbreakianum enhanced spikes, because I haven't broken a single spike so far during my 3 years of orchid growing.
Let's take my Paph robinsonii for example. I dropped a couple of weeks ago, upside down, naturally it was in low bud too. The result? One robinsonii half way out of its pot, with some leaf damage and an unscathed spike. It has been repotted since and the spike is happily growing along.
I honestly think that all my near misses with spikes will come back and haunt me. The day I have something in spike that is amazing to be able to flower as a hobby grower and/or a windowsill grower, the spike will break and the Paph in question won't bother to try again for at least 10 years... I am mentally prepared for this to happen. :viking: