Website article on Phrags.

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In Remembrance 2023
Supporting Member
Jul 8, 2011
Reaction score
Kentucky zone 6B
I just read an article by a reputable slipper grower that
advised heavy feeding for Phrags... that Phrags. are heavy feeders. This information is precisely
the opposite of what I understood about Phrags. as being
rather light feeders. Are there other opinions on this
issue? I've no doubt that the author knows his business
about Phrags. and there was no specific mention of any
particular fertilizer and only a passing reference to salts
build-up. Perhaps I've misunderstood information I've
read previously. If the article is correct, I've been under-
feeding my very large Phrags. that are healthy, but seem
reluctant to bloom. Well, except for besseae that bloom
well on short rations.
I visited a grower that is moving back to Canada, and he also said that their heavy feeders. That they make a new growth very fast
Interesting subject!

One wonders where they get their fertilizers in the wild,I once saw an analysis of a clear running river that was filled with what I'd say "it's all Greek to me!",one thing I was surprised to see was the levels of nitrogen then found out this sample was collected downstream from a large duck gathering so,if one were to look at what lurks on river/creek edges that may supply plenty of fertilizers at times but not continuously since wild life tends to move about to avoid becoming a prey.
The amount of fertilizer depends on the amount of light and air you can give a plant. Personally, I tend to underfeed my plants but to get maximum growth if you can provide enough light and conditions to grow then they will not have an excess. Otherwise you will burn them in salts.
I really don't like divulging the name since I believe he
posts rather frequently here. I do know that when he
posts photos of his Phrags., they are beautiful and well-
grown. The article is on his website. I gathered that
"frequently" means once a week thereabouts.

Well, I've thought about it and think it's worth reading.
Glen Decker wrote the article about how he grows Phrags. and it's on his website. It's there for anyone to
read so I hope he doesn't mind that I pointed it out.
Anyway, I've upped my feeding from nearly nothing to
a little bit more often using K-Lite and sometimes a
30-10-10. I do hope many of you look up the article and
post some feedback.
Please read the article Ed and Ray. Both of you know much more than I do on the subject and I'd be interested
in how your methods differ or are the same. Either of you
might interpret the article quite differently than I do.

I've gone from nearly nothing but rainwater to 1/4tsp.
per gallon per week with rainwater alone every other
watering. That comes out to about twice to three times
per month depending on the damned weather.
I'll try Dot. Often I find bits of information like the article
and then can't find it again. I read it over a week ago and
my mind can't retain such info. long.

I found it again. It's a reprint of a Glen Decker article from ORCHID
DIGEST, Nov. 2009 (Discovery and Culture). The article is at the
very end of Phragmipedium Kovachii & hybrids below the photos of
all the Kov. and the present hybrids to date I think. Toward the end
of the article he makes the statement that Phrags. are heavy feeders, bark mix suggestions, etc. It's a two page article. It ain't
easy to find actually.
I'll try Dot. Often I find bits of information like the article
and then can't find it again. I read it over a week ago and
my mind can't retain such info. long.

I found it again. It's a reprint of a Glen Decker article from ORCHID
DIGEST, Nov. 2009 (Discovery and Culture). The article is at the
very end of Phragmipedium Kovachii & hybrids below the photos of
all the Kov. and the present hybrids to date I think. Toward the end
of the article he makes the statement that Phrags. are heavy feeders, bark mix suggestions, etc. It's a two page article. It ain't
easy to find actually.

I'm sure I have that issue -- I'll check it out. Thanks!
Thank you, Carol. I was having a hard time trying to
explain exactly where the article is located on his website.

I find using K-Lite and Orchiata that Ca is no problem at all. In just three weeks of using fertilizer
for my Phrags. (rather than depending on just rainwater),
I have two new spikes that aren't besseae species. I
really was starving my plants. The besseae quartet
apparently don't mind starvation because they're still

Now that the article is here for everyone to see, I'd love to hear
some comments on it.
Thank you, Carol. I was having a hard time trying to
explain exactly where the article is located on his website.

I find using K-Lite and Orchiata that Ca is no problem at all. In just three weeks of using fertilizer
for my Phrags. (rather than depending on just rainwater),
I have two new spikes that aren't besseae species. I
really was starving my plants. The besseae quartet
apparently don't mind starvation because they're still

Now that the article is here for everyone to see, I'd love to hear
some comments on it.

And finally which fertiliser concentration do you use? (µS, mgr/L, tsp/gal, ppm N or other units). And which fertiliser?

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