Okay, here's that list summary Eric wanted lol.
- Paph randsii x sib
- Paph St swithin ( roth 'New Horizon' fcc x philippinense 'hilo twister')
- Paph Yang Ji Apple ( philippinense #22 x anitum #32)
- Paph Mount Low ( Mt toro semi alba x lowii alba 'albino beauty' CHM)
- Paph fowliei
- Paph micranthum var. eburneum replaced after first died
- Phrag Jason Fischer (Mem. Dick Clements 'Catherine AM/AOS x besseae 'ozone') x 16
- Paph niveum (Chesapeake snowball AM/AOS x APW)
- Paph henryanum (Bear SM/TPS x sib)
- Paph dianthum (selfing)
- Paph charlesworthii (G x Bear SM/TPS)
- Paph tranlienianum 'Minion #12' AM/AOS
- Paph Dollgoldi (roth ' New City' x armeniacum 'Golden Emperor' AM/AOS)
- Paph Delrosi (roth #10 x delenatii v dunkel)
- Paph Iantha Stage (division)
- Paph venustum
- Paph Mystic Isle - not typing that cross again lol
- Paph Shin-Yi Surprise (roth 'New generation x Jerry spence 'Parkside' AM/AOS)
- Paph Chiu Hua Dancer (gigantifolium x sanderianum)
- Paph Tristar Red Dragon (roth 'Gigantic FCC/AOS x Gloria Naugle 'Red Glory' AM/AOS)
- Paph philippinense (Super Twister x Wide Spread)
- Paph charlesworthii (New Wave AM/AOS x Perfect Circle SM/DOG)
- Paph gigantifolium (Hsinying SM/TOGA x Crown)
- Paph delenatii v. dunkel (#2 x #1)
- Paph chamberlainianum (#1 x sib)
- Paph amabile
- Paph Gloria Naugle (roth x micranthum)
- Paph Fanaticum (micranthum x malipoense)
- Paph Lady Rothschild (Lady Isabel x roth)
- Paph Temptation (philippinense alba x topperi)
- Paph Triple Bella (Bella Lucia 'Parmesean' x Triple Trix 'Waffle')
- Paph concolor ('Account Yellow' x 'Account Empress')
- Paph rothschildianum (266 x J) x 2
- Phrag (Spot On 'Rose Revolution' x Pink Panther 'Tony')
- Paph Windswept (liemianum #1 x Hsinying Franz #2)
- Paph Shin-Yi Williams (William Ambler x roth HOF#5)
- Paph Wossner Blackwings (roth 'TN Purple dream' x anitum 'shih yueh')
- Paph Shin-Yi Apple x Hsinying Carlos
- Phrag Fritz Schomburg (besseae 'mega' x kovachii 'Leonardo Andre' FCC/AOS) x 55
- Paph Wossner Blackwings (roth HJ #4 x anitum'shih yueh'))
- Paph Wossner Kolorand (randsii x topperi)
- Paph volonteanum
- Paph sugiyamanum
- Dendrobium smilliae album
- Polystachya clareae
- Lycaste powelli