What is this will be ?

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2008
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really reliable, flower one to twice a year


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Hmmm ... don't know if it's the lighting or age of the buds...
but with that left one so much darker I'd almost think it's two different plants in the same pot:confused:
The stripe on the back of the dorsal looks brown on the bud on the left and green on the one on the right. Hmm... A job for the paph detectives, surely! Or maybe I need new bifocals.LOL.
looks like two struggling, jungle collected plants. putting on a show (aka stress bloom)
That's a roth if I ever saw one....oh wait...it wishes it's a roth....sorry 6th sense just kicked in for a min.
looks like two struggling, jungle collected plants. putting on a show (aka stress bloom)

You are 75% right, It is jungle collected plants but i have this plant for over 5 yrs, just divided last summer. It flowered every year for me, that is all matter to me.
I hope Dr. harold koopowitz will happy with my clivia background


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Just to stir the pot by pointing out the irony... you just admonished the rest of the world for wanting vietnamese orchids in another thread and outright blamed us for killing many vietnamese people... Since you have at least one more wild collected tranlienianum than we do (and what about that hangianum avatar of yours?), that finger points right back at you. Hey Mr. Pot, what color is the kettle?

Quoted from CITES amendment thread...

"I can't speak for other countries, But in Vietnam it is illegal to collect wild paph. So, it maybe legal in your country because illegal collectors transport illegal plants to your country (doesn't matter how it get into your country) and your country decide to make it legal then everyone called it legal, but it is still illegal under Vietnamese "red book". If you propagate these plants then it is still illegal according to CITES "seedling or tissue cultures obtained in
vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers are not subject to the provisions of the Convention". I wonder how much money nurseries all over the world make with paph from Vietnam? Did anyone give back a penny to reserve these plants !!! Did you know your demand of these plants make locate people take more risk!!! did you know people actually die from collecting these plants. Did you know you are inderectly kill these people !!! (just because your country make these paphs legal, that doesn't mean it legal to locate people)
I hope people who had paph (including hybrid) from Vietnam sleep well at night (including me :) ), So enjoying your beautiful paph while locate people surfer to collect them

Admins, no need to send me "out back"- I'm done with this.

I thought i included my self on that thread, please read again
"I hope people who had paph (including hybrid) from Vietnam sleep well at night (including me :) ), So enjoying your beautiful paph while locate people surfer to collect them" ....

And I collected these paph from the wild myself thank you sir
Hi Baodai

It's not often we get to talk to the people who actually are able to go out into the jungle to collect these plants. What is it like? Do you have pictures of plants in situ? I wish the US had as rich of flora as vietnam did.
Hi Baodai

It's not often we get to talk to the people who actually are able to go out into the jungle to collect these plants. What is it like? Do you have pictures of plants in situ? I wish the US had as rich of flora as vietnam did.
We do. You're just not interested in the ones we have. It's always greener on the other side of the fence!;)
You said "I wish the US had as rich of flora as " Nothing mentioned about a jungle......besides come to Texas and I'll show you my backyard...it's a jungle