What to Do with Tuberous Begonia Waking up too Early?

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Aug 14, 2014
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I have Begonia odorata and not those with giant sized show flower type.
I bought a few tubers back in April and planted them in May. They started flowering as early as June and the flowering got better and better over the summer. They are supposed to wither down once the cold weather sets in, or after the first frost. Then they are supposed be stored in dry cool (10C/50F) location until they are ready to start growing again in the following spring.
Well, I left my plants until late November. They saw temperature reach down to freezing point and below on some nights. Only a couple of plants lost some leaves. The rest were not affected at all. All green and full of flowers. Once the nighttime low was expected to drop a few degrees below the freezing point, I brought them all inside. My plan was to dry them and force them to go dormant. The indoor temperature is around high 60s F.
Only one plant "went to sleep" while the rest kept on growing and flowering. When the soil in the pots dried, the plants would go a bit limpy but won't wither down. So I kept on watering but with much less frequency (every 2-3 days in the summer but every other week or so since brought inside).
More and more leaves fell off but there are still lots of leaves and flowers on the plants.
And the craziest thing is that today I saw that the plant that went dormant earlier this month has started two new growths!
I thought even with less-than-ideal storage temperature and water they should stay dormant for at least 2-3 months.
What would you guys suggest? I mean I could just let the plant continue on and have them bloom under my light during the winter/early spring and take them outside in May when it's warm enough to do so.
Has anyone tried keeping Tuberous Begonias in the fridge with success? I'm afraid it might be a bit too cold for these and they might rot in the fridge.
I would think about just growing them on at this point. Put them out in the Spring. What happens then, happens.
To deal with them now, trying to make them go dormant suddenly or unnaturally, might be asking for trouble. Just let them grow.
Keep them moist but cut off feeding them.
I guess I have no other options. If I were to remove the current sprouts, the tuber will most likely throw new ones to replace what's been lost. I don't have any cooler space to store them in current living situation. This particular tuber is one of those that I did not want to keep. Too many pale pink plants. So I might just give it away.
Do you have the space/ability to devote to an (outside) styrofoam or similar cooler? If you take them out of the soil they are in (even with leaves still attached) and layer them inside with shredded paper, I think that would help them trigger dormancy. Once the leaves brown, clean them up and replace the paper.
Do you have the space/ability to devote to an (outside) styrofoam or similar cooler? If you take them out of the soil they are in (even with leaves still attached) and layer them inside with shredded paper, I think that would help them trigger dormancy. Once the leaves brown, clean them up and replace the paper.
I have thought about storing them inside Styrofoam box but never got to get myself one and check what the temperature inside will be maintained at. The remaining plants that are busy growing are getting leggy as they are not getting the same amount of light they were getting outside during the warmer season. I think I will try and dry them out for 2-3 weeks and see if they would just dry up. Hopefully so!

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