Winter Settles Gently In

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Wow, the scenery is so monochromatic it could be a black and white photo :p

It's cool and wet wet wet in Taipei. We've had maybe five days of sunny weather this month. The rest has been cloudy or drizzly....
Very nice view, Ross! I have only lived in winter climates a total of four of my sixty plus years, but I loved the visual experience and the extreme contrast when spring finally brightens everything. I have utterly wonderful memories of hoarfrost coated trees and shrubs on a February morning in Germany - I'll never forget it. And a similarly stunning ice storm in, of all places, south Texas! Glittering trees.
Stunning, I would love to live near that kind of scenery but then I wonder how I would grow my plants outside. I guess I can't have everything but it would be great if I could.......I love your photos.
My thoughts exactly when I downloaded the pictures. How cool is cool in Taipei?

I'd say 18/15 centigrade day/night average. The subtropical weather here depends very much on the cold front from mainland China and Japan. When there is no cold front at all, it can be very warm up to 30 degress, and when the cold front is real strong, it goes down to ten degrees or even lower.
We had a little direct sun this morning! :)
That's a lovely scene out your window.

Boulder got snow overnight, it's extremely windy, and 11 F (-11 C) is in the forecast soon. Spring is faaaar away!