Your "To get list" - What is it

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Eric the besseae flavum is at paphs of distinction i think...

my list is short. paph concolor v longipetalum. i found a seedling at the pacific orchid expo last year. it did just fine until i decided to start taking 'care' of it, rotted it faster than you can say peter rabbit. sigh.
I just got a paph longipetalum last summer so I just crossed it out on my wishlist.

My to get is :

kolopakingii alba
hennisianum var christiansenii
and a bunch of sangii.

Maybe a anitum if I get lucky.

P.S. (Damn I think Eric's obsession of alba is rubbing on to me. Man you are contagious!!)
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Since I'm pretty much starting over my list is pretty simple:
Paph. insigne
Paph. charlesworthii
Paph. exul
Paph. druryi
Paph. rothschildianum
A nice BIG red complex
A nice BIG spotted complex
A nice BIG orange/honey complex
Mormodes, if you don't mind, could you share the source (PM me)? It's on my list, too.

I still have lots of "to-get" (some easy, others not easy to find):

lowii var. lynniae
hirsutissimum var. chiwuanum
phillippinense (the small one from Palawan).

and Cyps which "I" can grow...
I thought I would be considerate of other users and only post my current paph wishlist. I'm usually pretty bad all year so I buy my own stuff. I will pay accordingly for any of these:

armeniacum fma. markii
adductum var. anitum
bellatulum fma. album/ semi album (pink spots)
emersonii fma. album/ semi album
x glanzii (emersonii x micranthum)
hangianum (FS)
hangianum fma. album
helenae fma. album
hookerae var. volonteanum
micranthum var. eburneum
micranthum fma. album
papuanum fma. album
stonei fma. album
thaianum (FS)
vietnamense fma. album
I thought I would be considerate of other users and only post my current paph wishlist. I'm usually pretty bad all year so I buy my own stuff. I will pay accordingly for any of these:

armeniacum fma. markii
emersonii fma. album/ semi album
hangianum fma. album
micranthum fma. album
papuanum fma. album
stonei fma. album
vietnamense fma. album
:eek: Whoa there!! :p
All the others are available; but.. why would you want glanzii when its just a Lola Bird? Paph. inamorii!?! OK, I looked it up. Good luck. :p
nice list

min eis simple too

a lot of armeniacum Hybrids I still dont have

micranthum alba and helenae alba

malipoense alba and a really white armeniacum alba not a markii
I would like a x glanzii because I haven't ever seen one that was collected as such. Just the Lola Birds as you mentioned. It's a grass is always greener sort of thing.

Where can I order the pink spotted bellatulum's?
Have orchid purchases on hold for moment.
Been preparing wife, mildly, on Canon 800mm purchase.

Any advice from the happily married men?

The answer is simple, just tell her it's her Christmas present :)

My Christmas list:

Any/all of the parvi albas.
Oh man, you guys must have a pretty good penny to spend on all these albums lol :)

Anyways to entice you guys a bit.. Not my plant!!

Oh man, you guys must have a pretty good penny to spend on all these albums lol

Nope. Not even close. I just give up about every other amenity in life. (the choices we make) I guess I believe in there is no time like the present and things like cars, nice clothes and expensive dinners get pushed back. All for the greater good- my piece of mind.

Anyways to entice you guys a bit.. Not my plant!!

Not mine yet either. Thanks for the motivation.
Not much on my wishlist. without a greenhouse i need more orchids like i need a hole in my head. maybe add more awarded roth divisions over the years as money permits...or awarded white complex.

These days i'm mainly just scratching my head looking at all the roth flasks i grew out now turning into lots of big plants...and then the flasks of stonei, adductum, and haynaldianum coming up behind them. good problem to have :)
First on my wish list is that all the slippers I have grow and flower like mad.(Maybe I should just be happy with grow and flower at all). After that I'll spring for a Fritz Schomburg and a dollgoldi.

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