Also since Calcium nitrate is so hygroscopic its hard to get this put in dry and not have a big soupy mess a week after you open it up.
This is why I've been playing around with separate containers of MSU, Cal nitrate, Magsulfate.
Could probably make a more dilute liquid version all in one.
The more dilute version will not work, tried it already for the MSU... That's one of the big differences between the MSU suppliers too. Depending on the components, I am sure some oligos and maybe some of the macros become insoluble inside the power on storage. If you mix a perfectly soluble version of MSU ( do it in the lab in 4 parts...), it will precipitate, even at a x10 concentration only (100mL/L of final solution), after usually 12 hours to 2 days maximum.
The second problem, that most fertilizers manufacturers do not understand. Fe EDTA needs to be solubilized alone in warm water, so when it is blended and you just mix the blend with water, the EDTA has greater affinity for some others cations, and the iron is gone in part. Blending powders to make dry fertilizers is nice, but the end product, when stored on the shelves for a while, is absolutely not the intended product. Except if you make it specifically acid, use chelates for the Fe Mn Zn ( different chelates, you cannot use an all EDTA or all EDDHA for those three, would be too long to explain why, but that's chemistry) or do not include calcium and magnesium in the mix.
To include calcium nitrate in many fertilizers, they use thin paraffin coated pellets usually. Then it can be mixed, and will not react too quickly. But if you mix dry powders of any phosphate salts with calcium nitrate, and try to dissolve the result, you will see that a fair part became insoluble already in the dry state (especially as calcium nitrate is so hygroscopic)...
Back to decades ago, people would make their own fertilizers, it is not too difficult anyway.
To make a liquid version of MSU oligos, here we are.
You need to make 2 stock solutions ( the boron will form salts with the FeMnZnCn that are indeed insoluble, so it can never be done in a single stock)
Stock 1
for 1L of water
FeNaEDTA (buy it like that, from
www.phytotechlab as an example) 9g
Bring to a boil ( you will see that it is dissolved when the solution is not cloudy anymore. It must be a golden color completely transparent)
Add 2g citric acid
Then add:
MnSO4, H2O 2g
ZnSO4, 7H2O 0.8g
CuSO4, 5H2O 1g
Store in a dark bottle. It will be stable ( better to make fresh stocks every month or so, as it can become contaminated with bacterias)
Stock 2 to !L of water
Na2MoO4 200mg
H3BO3 400mg
You need as well to boil it, especially to dissolve the boric acid.
When you want to get the full MSU package oligos as described, use 1mL/L of each of those two stocks...
Note that there are many different things sold as Fe EDTA around the world. Some are the ferric sodium salts, some are a blend of iron sulfate and either free EDTA or a sodium salt of EDTA. You need to use citric acid in the first stock, (especially if you want to replace EDTA by EDDHA or DTPA), because otherwise, at a certain point, there will be free EDTA in the media. It can catch up the Mn Zn or Cu, which are temporarily solubilized as citrate complexes. You really do not want to have too much EDTA or EDDHA that is not bound, especially in hydroponics or semihydroponics.