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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Theodoreorchidking

    Orchid Season 2025

    That color is unusual but cool. It seems the pictures of this cross are usually not bright colors like this
  2. Theodoreorchidking

    First phrag flask-kovachii update

    How are these doing
  3. Theodoreorchidking

    Lazy Update

    It's a pre made orchid bark from the store Lowe's
  4. Theodoreorchidking

    Lazy Update

    That is a gorgeous plant. Great job
  5. Theodoreorchidking

    A chomp, or a fall?

    Congratulations on the baby first of all!!! With the orchid I think it it fine. If you see other bugs then definitely or if you see the same thing pop up on other plants. With the repot maybe wait till it drops it's flowers so less stress. When I think of it with my plants this actually looks...
  6. Theodoreorchidking

    Lazy Update

    I totally agree. The orchiata in theory lasts a long time. However the plants tent to outgrow the pot before a repot due to bark rot it an issue. The only reason I can see is for old specimens that are in water a lot like bulbophyllum or ones that can't be repotted easily like angraecum...
  7. Theodoreorchidking

    Lazy Update

    Paph lady isabel root system in a 6-7 inch pot . The bark is from lows and is Glubler's fine orchid bark. Honestly it is great and roots grow better in it than orchiata . I cant believe im saying it but from the plants that are in it they seem to love it. I honestly just bought it as a quick...
  8. Theodoreorchidking

    Trichocentrum Stacyi care

    That's gorgeous. What is your humidity to only water once a week
  9. Theodoreorchidking

    Orchid Zone rothschildianum.

    It's giving mont millais a little. Getting a good photo is so hard up close as it kinda makes the flower different than in person. The other flowers are still cooking
  10. Theodoreorchidking

    For Sale Vandopsis gigantea

    There is a larger plants from ebay and a smaller one that is rossii. Lowii is the more common one that people seem to like better. I haven't ever had interest in buying one but orchid web would be your best bet for a smaller one that is more affordable
  11. Theodoreorchidking

    For Sale Vandopsis gigantea
  12. Theodoreorchidking

    For Sale Vandopsis gigantea
  13. Theodoreorchidking

    Phrag. Fox Valley Fireball

    You know the flower is good when the photo pops up and you say "WOW" out loud.