Well that is a bit of an over simplification. Honestly, judging is all about moving judging standards forward. You do not want to have 20, 30, or 40 awards at the same basic level. That is “kind of gilding the lily” so to speak. Kind of like spinning your wheels.
Looking for wider dorsal sepals is advancing the standards for Rothschildianum. As is 5 flowers or 6 as opposed to 3 or 4. Looking for wider, straighter petals, improved form. Having pouches with even, richer color is looked for too.
When a candidate comes before me, like a Roth or a Saint Swithin or a Cattleya purpurata, I might look at the 5 or 10 most recent awards. We, through Orchid Pro, can determine the average size, natural spread, flower count etc. Then we compare the candidate to those most recent awards. If it measures up favorably, I will look at it closer! If it doesn’t, I tend to pass on these things.
In flower quality awards, we want to take steps forward, not backwards.
It is a very difficult concept to grasp sometimes for people outside of the judging fraternity but it is really what I try to do. I have been a judge now for 30 years, served 3 judging Centers, Northeast, Florida North Central and Great Lakes. I try to enlighten judges, spread my experiences around and pass on my knowledge to every new judging candidate. Everyone is never too old to learn!