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  1. chrismende

    A walk through the clouds

    Wonderful view of a place I certainly will never see in person. I particularly loved the images of the strange plants in the mist in the second picture, and the glittering strands of mosses. I'm not envious of the uncomfortable nights and the rain, but I guess it all goes with the territory.
  2. chrismende

    Paphio superbiens

    Gorgeous photo, Nathalie! It feels as if I am really "with" the flower!
  3. chrismende

    PK culture using ebb and flow

    I'm growing PK seedlings and their hybrids in ebb and flood very successfully. They are planted in regular Orchiata and Growstone (expanded glass the works similarly to perlite without the breakdown issue). I flood them twice a day for 15 to 30 minutes in warm seasons and once a day in winter...
  4. chrismende

    Fanaticum or micranthum?

    OMG, Ed, where does this plant come from and are there any more? It's superb!
  5. chrismende

    Post your best growing/culture tips!

    Love this thread! My suggestions start with "keep the medium damp between waterings." Next, learn the difference between wet and damp !" Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. chrismende

    Paph.micranthum v.eburneum

    I'd love to see the pictures of the larger plants, too! And the plant of this lovely bloom as well. What is the original plant's history?
  7. chrismende


    Nice clone fer sure!
  8. chrismende

    Big and a little horny

    Love the leaves, too!
  9. chrismende

    my $12 malipoense

    Great deal!
  10. chrismende

    Phrag. Fritz Schomburg 'Khaleesi'

    OMG! What a fabulous flower!
  11. chrismende

    Paphiopedilum haynaldianum

    Wow! That dorsal is to die for! I'm looking forward to seeing the second one, too!
  12. chrismende

    hainanense 2 years out of flask

    I'm loving these too! I now have seedlings and adult plants from three sources. Looking forward to some of them blooming this year (the seedlings, that is!). I'll be delighted if I have any that spectacular. The Fox Valley AM/AOS must be a wonderful plant, Tom!
  13. chrismende

    Paph mastersianum

    Love that flower, Rick! I have quite a group of NBS plants that are fattening up at the base...hope for my first blooms this year.
  14. chrismende

    Onc. maculata

  15. chrismende

    Orchiata and Phrags.

    Incidentally, I try to keep moss at a minimum, since it eats lots of nutrients and reduces surface aeration...
  16. chrismende

    Orchiata and Phrags.

    I grow Phrags in a combination of Orchiata and GrowStone which is expanded recycled glass from a Colorado landfill. I've used this combination for over two years now and as long as you rinse the GrowStone once to reduce the moderate level of alkalinity the plants seem very happy. I like...
  17. chrismende

    Advice needed kovachii seed sowing

    You know this story is not nearly as unusual as we would wish! Flask rooms are very, very vulnerable! If I ever have that kind of space I will have to buy an auxiliary generator and the services of a human to monitor when I'm not there! Eliseo, I'm so very, very sorry this happened to you.
  18. chrismende

    Pacific Orchid Exposition

    I know I've been pretty quiet here during and since the POE show! I have been recuperating! I did very well financially, had lots of donated help from a friend Joseph Kautz, and from my dear helper Milagro Medrano and her family who kindly worked for me for hauling, packing, unpacking...
  19. chrismende

    Paph. adductum x gigantifolium

    Wow! Nice flowers in every way!
  20. chrismende

    Hello from Oakland

    So, Mormodes was right, and here I am! The Paph you bought will definitely do OK through our cool but mild winter, showing slow new growth around now with lengthening days. You will be frustrated watching the buds develop very slowly until the weather warms up, though. Adding light will...