A little Paph. niveum

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Admit it John, you used Photoshop or another photo editor and stretched the width of the bloom!! :D :D
Best regards from germany, rudolf

Very unusual indeed. Honestly when I first saw the shot I thought, man he really screwed up sizing that one! Pretty cool looking in my opinion!

Took the thoughts right out of my head -- I've never seen a niveum that looked like this one. It's amazing.
Thanks for your comments everyone. When I resized the photo to post online, I kept the aspect ratio the same; so, big photo or small, the proportions are true to real life.
Very nice and very unusual for a niveum to be so wide. Do you know what the clonal names of the parents are? Really a superb niveum.

Very nice and very unusual for a niveum to be so wide. Do you know what the clonal names of the parents are? Really a superb niveum.


Sorry. I have no idea what the parent's clonal names are. I bought this plant in February 2008 from someone closing down his greenhouse. It came with a tag that just says "Paph. niveum". I have no idea where the original grower got it.

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