Angraecum sesquipedale

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Feb 24, 2023
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It's in spike. It's had a love hate relationship with me. I repotted it and it lost a lot of leaves and the tips of some got strange. I also have been terrible about watering šŸ˜•. So not I just keep it in this pot to keep humidity and some water at the bottom. 20240928_163406.jpg20240928_163409.jpg20240928_163714.jpg20240928_163720.jpg20240928_163727.jpg
That's good to see, the plant looks happy now!

I had to repot mine, I think it was last year, and it also was absolutely not impressed that situation at all. It sulked and sulked and sulked until this summer when I put it outside where it got intense heat but also lots and lots of water, as well as indirect, natural sunlight.

Is the fragrance on your plant's flowers pleasant? I think I got a dud to be honest. The flowers on my plant are fragrant, but the scent is just not very nice. It's along the lines of the scent of Bradford pear flowers, but more intense. Kinda makes me think it needs to go on the downsize list.
That's good to see, the plant looks happy now!

I had to repot mine, I think it was last year, and it also was absolutely not impressed that situation at all. It sulked and sulked and sulked until this summer when I put it outside where it got intense heat but also lots and lots of water, as well as indirect, natural sunlight.

Is the fragrance on your plant's flowers pleasant? I think I got a dud to be honest. The flowers on my plant are fragrant, but the scent is just not very nice. It's along the lines of the scent of Bradford pear flowers, but more intense. Kinda makes me think it needs to go on the downsize list.
This is the first flowering. I have a hybrid of sesquipedale and (sesquipedale x Angraecum magdalenae) and supposedly it's supost to have similar shape with a better smell
Angraecums like sesquipedale do not like to be disturbed. I have had them and I just move them up in pot size trying very hard not to disturb the roots at all. If you do, they often sulk by growing slowly.
I actually like A. enurneum better than sesquipedale. They like lots of water, warmth, full strong Cattleya type light. 4-6 hours of direct sun light is what made them do well for me.
They enjoy regular feedings at 1/2 strength.
I know. Sesquipedale gets to be Huge! Magdalenae stays compact, maybe 8-12 inches tall. I had one plant of Lemforde White Beauty years ago and it got to maybe 15ā€ tall, nice dark green leaves. Vegetatively it takes after magdalenae.

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