Are Slippers more fragile?

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I have never really been happy growing windowsill or under lights. We stopped buying paphs. Inside our home there is lack of humidity, no change in day/nite temps. So in the long run, the plants just succumb to stress.
:sob: no paphs :sob: phrags? We're feeling honored at your presences! What do you have most of?
One would think the lights would up daytimes temps in order to give a differential.
When I did windowsills, it was just like abax but when there's condensation on the edges of the windows and mildew around the frames ......
time for a GH!

Wheweee! Do the Centre For Disease Control know about you people? Sounds like you lot are breeding the next plague! Mites, thrips, mealies, scale..... a sci fi horror movie:eek::viking::eek:
:rollhappy::rollhappy::rollhappy: so are you Afr.CFDC and the critters just naturally stay away?
:sob: no paphs :sob: phrags? We're feeling honored at your presences! What do you have most of?
One would think the lights would up daytimes temps in order to give a differential.
When I did windowsills, it was just like abax but when there's condensation on the edges of the windows and mildew around the frames ......
time for a GH!

1 Paph
14 Phrag.

Mostly Phrags.

The T-12 fixtures gave off very little heat.

GH is a nice dream, but thinking I'd end up with a case of buyer's remorse.
Besides, that hobby money could go to a Canon 800mm lens:D
You're growing indoors the mites had to come from somewhere. Most likely another house plant. Mites love those greenly house plant types, find it and toss it out. use a mitescide mention along with your soap and alcohol. The most important thing you can do is get those plants OUTSIDE. They love that GA heat, you may not but they will with heavy shade at first. This will give you a chance to clean house and create a better grow area.

PS. Welcome
The only plants I've ever had spider mites on were cacti, particularly in winter. Never seen them on orchids. Putting plants outdoors is a great way to get rid of indoor pests. Of course, they might come back in with ant colonies and hidden snails......

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