Australia fire emergency

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I don't know, but was there a wrong forest management in the potential fire areas in the last decade, so that the today fires have to much food?
That was a common failing in Mediterranean and Californian regions. But administration learned.
The days when the aborigines burned vast areas of land (pretty much the whole country) over thousands of years (not controlled burns mind you, just burns) to enable them to flush out food, to destroy their enemies etc., are over. The Australian bush has changed since then. It has been estimated that the bush now has 10 times the amount of fuel it did before white man came. I can't imagine there will be enough fuel reduction in the short term (10 years) All you need is drought, low humidity heat and wind - in other words the weather (not climate) we have this summer and it will explode. Victoria's fire season is just starting and it is the most fire prone area in the world. The conditions and fires we see today are a completely natural result of the changed landscape. Thankfully where I am has been the wettest part of the country this year. One thing that should be done is to ban the planting of Eucalyptus with 10 miles of built-up human habitation and replace them with oaks. I think it would be a good policy for the future.
As for the ridiculous claims of extinction by some wet-behind-the-ears types it shows a fundamental lack of understanding about how nature and particularly Australian nature works. Any vacuum of species created by fires will quickly (or slowly) be filled. I have seen this on my own property.
For all the catastrophist morons including ''scientists'' who said that the Black Saturday fires were so bad that the soil itself burned and that the seed bank burned and that the trees were all killed and that the forest would never recover and that this is ''unprecedented'' and that ''this is different'' and the ''new normal'' and all the other completely and utterly contemptible politically driven brain dead ******** they spew.
Welcome to the Australian bush and how it works....

It's well known that fire is vital to many ecosystems (the devastating fire in Yellowstone decades ago proved this )...and there are lessons to be learned from these fires, similar to the lessons that we are learning in the US west coast. It still doesn't undo the devastation that people are facing....and the emotions that arise from being human in the face of this devastation. I can't imagine any reasonable person not feeling an emotional wrenching from the videos and pictures of loss of animal life as well and the feeling of being helpless. I think for the time being, it's excusable to have these emotions and to express them in helps to make sense of things. People are just people.
My immediate family have been a victim of fire destruction, I personally understand the grief. I was referring to the off topic subject of Donald trump mentioned above, has nothing to do with the australian fire catastrophe
It's well known that fire is vital to many ecosystems (the devastating fire in Yellowstone decades ago proved this )...and there are lessons to be learned from these fires, similar to the lessons that we are learning in the US west coast. It still doesn't undo the devastation that people are facing....and the emotions that arise from being human in the face of this devastation. I can't imagine any reasonable person not feeling an emotional wrenching from the videos and pictures of loss of animal life as well and the feeling of being helpless. I think for the time being, it's excusable to have these emotions and to express them in helps to make sense of things. People are just people.
I cannot argue with this.
Oh much for "reflection and tolerance"!

Sorry, I have no tolerance for the zombie protesters who mass around our major cities knowing less that zero about what they are saying. It's a mass neurosis or psychosis which while interesting to witness, never the less makes me feel kind of hopeless. It seems to have been taken up in direct proportion to the abandonment of traditional religion which makes me think that some people just need something to believe in. But tolerance? No. respect? Definitely none.
I dug around a bit in the forum's settings and located the ignore feature - highly recommended, as I can no longer see anything unpleasant in this thread (other than the actual topic at hand, which is very sad).
Oh much for "reflection and tolerance"! (see post just above o_O)

Does anyone know where to find Stone's Off-switch? (Provided of course, he has one??)

Otherwise it would be a real help, if you could find the remote, so he could be switched back to his own chanal (IPCC Critics) and, hopefully, stay put there, hanging out with his chum(s?)! :D

I think many Danes are not very familiar with bush fires the size of Denmark. The same could apply to the residents of Luxembourg or Andorra.
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I’ve been here since 2008, and it’s pretty simple to just not be around certain threads where certain people may congregate. Also, with a little self training a person can choose to not be ‘offended’ by objectionable things. The world is full of things that can irritate, but we can’t allow our buttons to be pushed by everyone. If a person bothers, then don’t be around them or let them bother you. Choosing to not react is freeing :)
The world is full of things that can irritate, but we can’t allow our buttons to be pushed by everyone. If a person bothers, then don’t be around them or let them bother you. Choosing to not react is freeing :)

Wisely spoken, Charles! :)

In the best tradition of Chuang Tzu and others, who recommended the path of non-engagement as a viable way!
People get hot headed sometimes (like me) ..I have my differences with stone and berthold but I think everyone here are good people..even berthold and stone. If I really hated them, I would be hating some of my family and friends who have the same views as them. Tragic events like the fires in Australia put things into perspective. The bickering is really inconsequential in light of the goodwill people have expressed.
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I think everyone here are good people..even berthold and stone.

I'm not sure if everyone here is a good person, but I can assure you, Stone and Berthold are.

Of course people get hot headed by a fire like the actual Australian disaster.
I’ve been here since 2008, and it’s pretty simple to just not be around certain threads where certain people may congregate. Also, with a little self training a person can choose to not be ‘offended’ by objectionable things. The world is full of things that can irritate, but we can’t allow our buttons to be pushed by everyone. If a person bothers, then don’t be around them or let them bother you. Choosing to not react is freeing :)
So true... one has to ‘take’ offense. The choice is ours

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