I made a little research in the near past, and I would share some info about it. The following datas had been found on Yara's website.
Firstly: Yaraliva Calcinit (calcium nitrate) 15,5N-0P-0K-26CaO Mono fertilizer sufficient dose is 0,05-0,15% solution in horticulture, and possible to use as leaf or normal watering fertilizer also. For orchids i belive, that 0,05% solution is enough, what means in ISO standard: 0,5gr salt /1 liter irrigation water. It means 77ppm N + 95ppm Ca @ every single watering. It should use in vegetative (growing) peroid. It mustn't mix with magnesium sulfate in one stock solution to avoid precipitations.
On the other hand: Yara Krista MgS (magnesium sulfate, epsom salt) 0N-0P-0K-16MgO-32SO3 Mono fertilizer sufficient dose is 0,05-0,1% solution. At 0,05% solution it means: 48ppm Mg + 65ppm S. The preferable watering technique is as leaf fertilizer. It mustn't use in flowering peroid to prevent the flowers against burns. Avoid to spray the leaves at strong daylight or at high temperatures (above 30C degrees).
Suggested methode to alternate the calcium nitrate with magnesium sulfate at every fourth watering cycle, what means 3-4 occasion of both in one growing peroid.
What do you think about this suggestions above for paphiopedilums?
The informations based not my experiences, but i will try it certainly.
I use balanced 20-20-20 NPK + micronutrients fertilizer at half strengt when i fertilize my plants in growing peroid from march to oktober dissolved in 1/3part chilled tap + 2/3 part RO water at pH 5,9-6 in bark mix . Every fourt watering is pour RO. Next i will sprinkle the leaves at every third occasion with calcium-nitrate, and every fourth occasion with epsom salt in dose as above. I would prevent my plants from suffering of Mg and Ca deficiency.
What is your experience/suggestion?
Kind regards: