cny container gardens

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I thought that I had updated this a while ago... I harvested some eggplant and potatoes in october. There are kholrabi still growing in the pots outside under the snow, but they hadn't thickened up very much (usually they are three or four inches thick when you harvest). I picked a few dried quinoa stems and see that there are a few seeds that i'll husk and plant next year somewhere. The parsley is still alive in the back enclosed entryway and we've harvested some of the leaves. The mums were very nice and just faded (indoor entryway), and the coffee and rosemary trees are inside but wishing they had the warm sunshine. The frost nipped my dragonwing begonia but I took two cuttings and they are rooting on my kitchen windowsill. All of the sunflower seedlings grew and flowered, though shorter and smaller than normal. The ants appreciated the flowers quite a bit


one of the larger sunflowers that was growing in one of the corn pots (who said that you can't grow sunflowers in containers? :) )


there were quite a few potatoes, but these are all that were left (I forgot to save the earlier photograph). Though a decent number, they were all quite small because of how late I planted them and because they were in partial shade


one of the blue potatoes prior to cooking
my former co-worker grows all his potatoes and sweet potatoes in black containers, with just regular potting mix with some compost and bark mulch mixed in. if you have full sun and plant early, you will have full-sized potatoes. a few years ago I planted some old sprouted yellow potatoes in some black pots and hid them between some greenhouses at work, and had lots of good-sized potatoes. .. and that was a year when there was one of the blights on potatoes and tomatoes and they were fine.

my aunt loves the blue potatoes steamed and/or baked; they are mealy like baking potatoes and have a very nice texture/flavor
I love blue potatoes! I hope I find some in the market. The ones I don't eat will be planted when they sprout. Last year I planted some in January. My favorite potatoes by far.
I got my (blue) seed potatoes from Wood Prairie Farms organic farms in maine . Whatever they have available as seed (more than just potatoes) they also sell as fresh food. I just got another winter catalog, and anyone who ends up being a first-time customer can use a code WPF 292 (if you buy over $45 worth) for $5 off