So, I asked my question because I was talking to a nursery here who is selling some native Cyps, and I asked where they got them. They said they got them from a broker, and the plants were from tissue culture. This didn't add up for me, and I asked more questions. They guy who owns it is nice and his company is very 'organic' and environmentally conscience, so I was hoping to have a good dialogue with him, and I am. Turns out the broker gets the plants from Holland, and the plants are divisions. I don't know the Dutch company name, but I'll try to get it. It's good to know that this kind of thing is happening here, and the plants aren't being dug up, but it is a bit of a shame that we have to get our native plants all the way from Europe!!! I really hope some Canadians will get into native orchid propagation, besides FTF. Their prices are a bit high, but unfortunately, I don't think anyone else will be able to go lower.