Wonderful. It seems they are outside - can you share any more information about their growing conditions? Temperatures Summer and Winter? Any extra watering or overhead protection?
Sorry, I think these data are not available.
Wonderful. It seems they are outside - can you share any more information about their growing conditions? Temperatures Summer and Winter? Any extra watering or overhead protection?
Are you saying these specimens died on him....very difficult to plant, no success.
Damn...breeding has been succesful by Albiflora but all of plants died within few weeks out from flaks.
Damn...breeding has been successful by Albiflora but all of plants died within few weeks out from flaks.
I wonder if anyone has tried using subtropicum pollen in crosses w/ other spp?Getting confused by which species we are talking about now, subtropicum or wardii?
As far as I know, nobody has been successful growing either adult wild collected specimens of subtropicum, nor seedlings once deflasked. Everyone I know who has tried has failed. As for wardii, I know of a few people who have grown these on in their gardens for a number of years, but I'm unsure of their long term fate. I saw two plants growing at Hengduan Biotech's Cyp nursery in Huanglong, but I'm not sure what happened to those plants either. Certainly not an easy species to grow.
subtropicum pollen on wardii should work. But it can be difficult to get subtropicum pollen in China at the moment due to corona restrictions. You should have a look in norther Vietnam for that in the next 3 month.I wonder if anyone has tried using subtropicum pollen in crosses w/ other spp?
But that will not help You.You can buy adults plant from North Viet Nam or seedling from Germany
What you are showing here is a serious violation of international laws and rules.And the result ?
it will be installed to find a substrate for subtropicum.
It is a cohort study, seeling and adults in the same soil
What is the price for these plants. I guess selling is illegal, but Vietnamese don't care.You can buy adults plant from North Viet Nam or seedling ( deflasked Size ) from Germany