Cypripedium subtropicum

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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We know this seller under following names
eastside-orchids, als Standort wurde Fellbach angegeben
begoniaceae67 (vermutlich, nicht gesichert)

The German Public Prosecutor's Office has investigated him

Indeed thath is v. calcagnile and her husband, real hardcore scammers, be very careful
The theory of growing together with mushroom is just a Berthold´s fata morgana. People have changed their cultural condition. The plants thrive well

As far as i know Berthold is right, either with fungus, in original soil(with the fungus) or in a sterile container, do you have evidence of long term success In different conditions? The link does not work
As far as i know Berthold is right, either with fungus, in original soil(with the fungus) or in a sterile container, do you have evidence of long term success In different conditions?

Hakone is a specialist in old traditional Chinese medicine, not in the cultivation of plants in a complex environment
Actual names are :

Prices are in British pound mainly
Well the ones I'm talking about are located in Germany, at least one of the names is of Victoria calcagnile and Co. and they are real scammers really the worst i have ever seen because they sold fake of things thath cost real money even cahnii album once obviously fake
Well the ones I'm talking about are located in Germany, at least one of the names is of Victoria calcagnile and Co. and they are real scammers really the worst i have ever seen because they sold fake of things thath cost real money even cahnii album once obviously fake
Yes he is located near city of Stuttgart.
Well the ones I'm talking about are located in Germany, at least one of the names is of Victoria calcagnile and Co. and they are real scammers really the worst i have ever seen because they sold fake of things thath cost real money even cahnii album once obviously fake
Fangelkatze is his new name
In this forum I do not like documentation of an illegal plant culture in Vietnam.
I think it would be better if the police and the media in Vietnam were made aware of this nursery.
In this forum I do not like documentation of an illegal plant culture in Vietnam.
I think it would be better if the police and the media in Vietnam were made aware of this nursery.

It is not an illegal culture. Paphiopedilum and Cypripedium cultivation in Viet Nam are allowed . But you can't Export. I myself have 3 small nurseries for my hobby in Vietnam.

Uncle, I think you're confused.
It is not an illegal culture. Paphiopedilum and Cypripedium cultivation in Viet Nam are allowed . But you can't Export. I myself have 3 small nurseries for my hobby in Vietnam.

Mischief, Cypripedium subtropicum is subject to CITES.
Vietnam has accepted CITES, so the culture and trade are illegal.

I think You have nothing in Vietnam.
In certain autonomous areas in Vietnam, Cites has no application

" I think You have nothing in Vietnam " . hahaha , jealous

There are no autonomous areas in CITES possible. CITES applies the whole country or nothing of the country.
There are no autonomous areas in CITES possible. CITES applies the whole country or nothing of the country.

Example :


The CITES Convention includes provisions and rules for trade with non-Parties. All member states of the United Nations are party to the treaty, with the exception of Andorra, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Federated States of Micronesia, Haiti, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, South Sudan, East Timor, Turkmenistan, and Tuvalu. UN observer the Holy See is also not a member. The Faroe Islands, an autonomous country in the Kingdom of Denmark, is also treated as a non-Party to CITES (both the Danish mainland and Greenland are part of CITES).

CITES does not interfere with the sovereignty of a state, i. that is, the legal implementation and enforcement are the responsibility of each Member State.