Darwinara Charm x Neofinetia falcata

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Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
One of my purchases at the Grand Valley Orchid Society this past weekend. The vendor used to work at Hoosier's but now has his own business.

Really a nice Darwinara backcross.
It is difficult to find these hybrids in Europe.

Best greetings

It was sad to see Hoosier's close! That's a beautiful hybrid! Thanks for the picture!
Nice one, Dot! I really like the consistent overall colour. These are great little hybrids!

Olaf, I had some from New World Orchids for sale, however, they were very popular! Glenn is coming back here in June and could bring more if anyone wanted one.

Here is a photo of one of the ones that bloomed for me:
I'm hoping that one of the ones I have will be the yellow with the pink tips!! :D Hopefully we'll see this summer.
That's funny, I know Erich. :D Thanx.
I was wondering if he had taken a large part of Hoosier's jewel orchids but they seem to have gone to Texas and Michigan! :rolleyes:
My understanding is that Erich purchased all the flasks (he told me that he had done most of the work on them). The jewel orchids that are in Michigan are at Rob's LittleFrog Farm. Erich had a variety of plants at the GVOS show last weekend -- I suspect they came from other sources than Hoosiers. He will be at the Greater Lansing Orchid Society's show the last weekend in February, so it will be interesting to see what he brings.
Here's the other one I purchased that was supposed to be pink. Well, it is white with pink tips, so I guess that counts. It's cute, anyway. And very fragrant.

Gorgeous both Dot!!!! What conditions do you give them????TY
Intermediate temperatures and bright light (south window). But don't forget, I just purchased these plants, so I won't know if these conditions are right until they bloom again. But that's how I'm growing all my Neos and Neo crosses.