Dracula vampira 'Boris Karloff'

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That is so awesome Chuck. Of non slipper orchids this is one of my favorites. I have always wanted to grow Draculas but have never taken the plunge because I am not sure if I can keep them cool enough. Could you please describe how you grow this including temps night/day, summer/winter. It looks like a very nicely grown plant.
That is so awesome Chuck. Of non slipper orchids this is one of my favorites. I have always wanted to grow Draculas but have never taken the plunge because I am not sure if I can keep them cool enough. Could you please describe how you grow this including temps night/day, summer/winter. It looks like a very nicely grown plant.

Thanks for the comments.

I think this drac may tolerate slightly high temps than most.

Obviously gown in a basket, in mixture of moss and sponge rock, watered every two days with rainwater.

Fertilize with balanced fert. about once a week with average 250 ppm total dissolved solids. A bit heavier in the spring.

Grown high in the greenhouse in bright but not direct sun in the cooler end of my greenhouse. Winter night temps about 58 degrees F, summer in the same range. Exhaust fan comes on at 85 degree F on sunny days in winter. Infrequently the temp will approach 90 deg F in the summer but not often. On cooler days, summer and winter, temp set at 70 degrees F. So over all, cooler side of intermediate temps.

30% shade cloth in summer, none in the winter.

Hope this helps.

Does sound like it tolerates heat. I've never seen the top of these blooms before. I always assumed the blooms were black all over, including the top. Thanks for sharing!
Love the closeup. Fantastic.

I know a guy who had a problem with his cooling system and lost basically his whole collections of Masda's. But the Dracula's survived. They seem a bit tougher and more heat tolerant.