Easy growing multi-florals

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Both haynalidianum and lowii, as well as some of their hybrids (Berenice, Lebaudyanum) are as fast growing and blooming as the non-multi paphs. In other words, you can buy a relatively small seedling and it will bloom in 2-3 years.

BRAVO! I was wondering when someone was going to mention haynalidianum and lowii ! I have both of these, and they are very fast growers! F-A-S-T ! and reliable bloomers !
Thank you everyone for your inputs, I ordered a bunch of plants and got them today.

I got a sanderianum, praestans, rothschildianum, wilhelminae, and a hybrid addidcted phillip.

I got to say the praestans and wilhelminae are compact plants. I really like them.
Sandies - I'm in the process of growing a flask, some have been quick, easy growers and there's others that I should probably stop wasting the space on!
I absolutely agree!
The only (mature) plants which are growing slowly in my collection are adductum, add. var. anitum and randsii. Young plants are very often slow growing.
Very fast: gigantifolium BS, kolopakingii BS, some stonei clones, modern roths, many philippinense clones (but there also very slow ones around). Try to get a BS philippinense first, they are affordable and the flowers are nice.

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