Ever wanted to name a cross?

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Sorry, I just got back now from a trip with my department chair... Can't really say no to that.

Looks like Fowl Parish gets it, unless Jane and Greenpaph come to an arrangement (consult amongst yourselves, this isn't E-bay).

This was fun, lets do it again sometime soon.
I just wanted everyone to know that Peter won this fair & square but he has so generously given this up to me & for that I'm most pleased.Thank You Peter!!!!
I wanted to name this Mem. Walter Stewart in honour of my best friend's husband who died 2 yrs ago.He was a Canadian Writer-mostly political.My friend's birthday is Nov. 29 & I wanted to do this for her.We have been friends ever since she moved to my hometown 62 yrs ago (1944).An interesting point is that when we would go up to visit, we had to go through a little place called Fowler's Corner so it seemed so fitting that this was the cross to be named for him.
Hat's Off to Peter for being so generous to me.I can't thank him enough!
Thanks to you both!
I am thrilled with the outcome.

Peter- you are most generous, and Jane as well. It's a great story, and it is these sorts of names that I really love and appreciate. It is nice to know the background and not just be something mundane.

Thank you, of course, for your support, everyone!!!!

( and I am SO glad 'Heather' didn't win it!) :rollhappy:
Wow...interesting sounding guy, if that's him!

(I had trouble w/ Z's link...)

My family has ties to Ontario as well. A couple of my great great relatives on my mom's side founded Scarborough, the town the Barenaked Ladies are from, actually. My dad's family is from Halifax, NS.

Stewart is a good Scottish name! :)
That's him Kentuckiense! Thanks for showing me the bio.Heather I too had trouble figuring it out until I just put Walter Stewart in the search part-not journalist.He was of Scottish heritage alright with his kilts to prove it !!
L I Jane said:
He was of Scottish heritage alright with his kilts to prove it !!

I have a couple of those myself!

Lest it be thought I am of Irish descent....
My family is actually MacDonald, but we spell it with the 'c' with the line under it which serves as basically an apostrophy... (in other words, the '-' under the raised 'C' stands for the missing 'A'.) My aunts spell their last names MacDonald though and we pronounce our name spelled 'McDonald' as 'MacDonald'. Could that be a bit more confusing? I am kind of into my name, since my father died, it is very Scottish, and so was he. I would like it to continue on....:)

Oh, one more thing....Heather is 'Erica' in Gaelic.
Crivens! Ye could nae done better! I like it so much better than the parents' name combos. And frankly, I like the looks of the flower too!

And while I may have your attention, Jane: the Phrag lindleyanum you so kindly gave me four years ago when I was such a beginner just dropped it's last bloom on the current spike. It's had seven since last June and every time I look at it I remember and appreciate your generosity. :) Thanks again!
I would have done a Mem naming also: Mem Hanke Dietrich Feil. He is my patriarchal grandfather. I never knew my matriarchal grandfather.

I spent quite a bit of time with him as I was growing up. He was an EXTREMELY hard working man and a very tough life. He worked for a local dairyman all the time I knew him. His job was to tend the calves and heifers on a satellite ranch. I would spend a week or two each summer helping him plus several other weekends. He also loved putting in a garden and raised chickens for eggs. One of the things I remember is how my grandmother used a HUGE crock filled with water to store the eggs.

The one thing I wanted to do for him before he died was to let him hold one of my children. I was in school for the military when he passed on. Alas, this was before I got married.

Anyway, wish I would have been a part of this great group back then so I could participate.
IdahoOrchid said:
One of the things I remember is how my grandmother used a HUGE crock filled with water to store the eggs.

Hi~and welcome to the forum!
Just a quick question - did they have refrigeration? That's an interesting technique to keeping eggs cold so I wondered if there was another reason for her keeping them in a crock of water if they had a refrigerator. I work at a Culinary history museum and we are always talking to visitors about how people lived before refrigeration, and I would like to include your grandmother's egg technique in my talks in the future. :)