This lovely little paph philippinense ('Tokyo Twister' x 'Germany Select') came in the mail almost a week ago- with a spike to boot, which is fun! The flowers are of course a bit beat up after a USPS journey from Florida to Montana, but overall the plant appears healthy. I usually repot new things immediately, but I am hesitant because this is in bigger bark/perlite/charcoal chunks than I currently have on hand. I nested it immediately in another glass pot to keep some humidity at the roots as the poor plant is probably wondering where all the humid Florida air went! (I've also noticed that othe paphs thrive in a well drained nested pot situation, and with lower humidity levels this may be a key practice for me).
This one appears to be a compact grower. We'll see if it stays that way!
Any input on culture is welcome. It is getting a little partially filtered afternoon light where it is, as well as being on the edge of my grow lights. When it's not so tall with a spike I will put it closer in to the cattleyas and monitor leaf color.

This one appears to be a compact grower. We'll see if it stays that way!
Any input on culture is welcome. It is getting a little partially filtered afternoon light where it is, as well as being on the edge of my grow lights. When it's not so tall with a spike I will put it closer in to the cattleyas and monitor leaf color.