#1. Every seedling cross is an experiment. Though as I said, there has to be some clear thinking & research done before the cross is made. ie what influences each parent ( particularly with species ) has had in other crosses. If NEW species are being used then its an unknown factor, these 2 aren't.
#2. I don't believe anyone raised the Award potential issue though some experimental crosses have worked by accident but usually by good thinking.
Yes learning from the process is the key but we are offered these plants more and more but the buyer isn't learning and saying, hang-on, these colors or these parents have extreme dominance (eg henryanum ) what have they done in previous crossings, are these 2 parents going to enhance one or the other or both. The hybridist can do what they like but in the long run its the buyer who must educate themselves as to the potentialof the cross in influences of the parents and there is plenty of information available.
Where is such information available? Most literature I've seen may discuss what has worked, complete with beautiful pictures, but never have I seen "A Compendium of Dogs in Slipper Orchid Breeding" complete with pictures.oke: