Hey from upstate ny

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I've heard of some of the spots to see native slippers but most are kept secret to protect them...

quite a few are in spots where many people know about them and get visited quite a bit. there are a good many in the cortland general area that are on cornell plantations property or in some of the many bird preserves. the one just north of me is on private property but allows people to visit the spot as long as they are respectful and no picking etc. if you know someone who knows someone and all the word gets spread around quite a bit
sounds like a nice location Charles. Give me a shout at blooming time and maybe I will come out with camera in hand.

usually the yellows in that spot are flowering at the same time as the pink ladyslippers, around Memorial Day. Gary Lee out of inlet takes a tour there on Father's Day to see the showies, bog candles, grass pinks and loesel's twayblades. there was a spot up in the moose river plains where he used to work as a ranger, way out this one road where someone had spotted a few yellow ladyslippers way back in the trees. when there would be a good population every few years they would come dig most of them up. he would get bothered and find a few seed pods somewhere else and repopulate the spot. the person must have kept coming back or eyeing the spot because when the plants would get large enough again they would dig them up. I think he's about to give up 'supplying idiots with garden material' as he put it (or close enough). I suggested quicksand, land mines or dogs, but I don't think he followed my advice,.......

middle of may let me know if there is interest and there are other spots as well that have yellows, showies are father's day

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