Here are a couple I picked up at a local garden center already in flower:
P. Hsinying Rubyweb '#3' X P. Magic Leopard 'Midnight Magic' AM/AOS
(two photos below)
P. fairrieanum 'Red Glen #10' X P. Hsinying Glory '#5'
(two photos below)
I'm a sucker for big dark flowers!
There's no denying the fairrieanum dorsal sepal on the latter cross, but I'm surprised at the size - 9cm across from petal to petal. Must be from the other parent. My fairrieanum (RIP) was kinda small, although maybe it was a smaller clone or just bad culture.
Sorry the photos are not the best - I have a ways to go in orchid photography. Everyone's pictures on here are just so awesome!
P. Hsinying Rubyweb '#3' X P. Magic Leopard 'Midnight Magic' AM/AOS
(two photos below)
P. fairrieanum 'Red Glen #10' X P. Hsinying Glory '#5'
(two photos below)
I'm a sucker for big dark flowers!
There's no denying the fairrieanum dorsal sepal on the latter cross, but I'm surprised at the size - 9cm across from petal to petal. Must be from the other parent. My fairrieanum (RIP) was kinda small, although maybe it was a smaller clone or just bad culture.
Sorry the photos are not the best - I have a ways to go in orchid photography. Everyone's pictures on here are just so awesome!