I hope this cross takes

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2007
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Reno, NV
I am thinking of doing this cross and I want to make a miniature version of the dark form of Paph. Johanna Burkhardt.


Paph. wilhelminae (pod parent)

Paph. adductum var. anitum (pollen parent)
Is there only 1 flower? If 1 flower is common for anitum go for it, The wilheminae will substantially reduce the plant size and darken the flower but will not enlarge or broaden the shoulders any, it would defenitely be small, maybe teacup size, it would be cool!! Congrats on blooming the anitum
Is there only 1 flower? If 1 flower is common for anitum go for it, The wilheminae will substantially reduce the plant size and darken the flower but will not enlarge or broaden the shoulders any, it would defenitely be small, maybe teacup size, it would be cool!! Congrats on blooming the anitum

First bloom for both. The Paph anitum is still young so it has one flower yet. Hopefully will have more.

Awesome!!! If it takes remember me, I want a seedling :) did you make a robinianum x roth?
good cross and well done using wilheminae/gardinerii as pod parent...
seedlings using anitum as pod parent seems to be slower...
I have done reverse crosses and anitum pods seedlings grows half speed...
same was said to me by some nurseryes both in Europe and Taiwan
Other way around. Roth 'vermithrax' x Robinianum 'Alissa Male' FCC/AOS.
But, let's keep this thread about Ramon's cross.
I got one from dennis olivas, I thought you made that, the one I have is 10 inches leaf tip to tip, I can't find a picture of the cross, do you know of one?
Nice benefit of dark flowers but I think there will be a very low flower count.
Wm Ambler X anitum could be nice.
I got one from dennis olivas, I thought you made that, the one I have is 10 inches leaf tip to tip, I can't find a picture of the cross, do you know of one?

I has not flowered yet but here are the pictures of the parents.


Paph. Robinianum 'Green Gremlin' AM (pod)

Paph. rothschildianum 'Ciao'(pollen)
Here's what we have to look forward to, Ramon. (Although yours will bloom several years ahead of mine, assuming mine germinate).
From the AJOS website.