Hello, I'm a retiree with a new hobby after a coworker gave me my first cymbidium. When I retiired I had to give up my horse and I started building my collection. I found I could rescue and rebloom phals so I was given quite a few of them. From there I went wild! It's a couple of years later and I've never missed a local show. I started buying seedling cattleyas in order to learn how to keep them happy then fell hard for vandas followed by a few dendrobiums and anything that caught my eye. All of this fed by my discovering a couple of orchid forums. I googled all those plants that really caught my eye and found this forum. I grow on a balcony and near windows in So. Calif. I am now growing paphiopedilums. I never thought I'd be able to successfully grow them. I now have eight. I spend all my time reading posts and checking out everyone's beautiful plants and how they grow them. Imade my first visit to Andy's and now have fell hard for species paphs. I now bookmark this page and check the new posts regularly. Thanks for all the great information you've provided.