Judging Legal and Illegal Plants

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Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
This was in the latest Peoria OS newsletter:

UPDATE: Judging Legal and Illegal Plants
Paphiopedilum gigantifolium2 and its hybrids — they are considered legal ONLY if they can be connected to a receipt
from Piping Rock Orchids.
Paphiopedilum hangianum is simple — NO hybrids are legal and the only species plants that are legal were brought
into this country in July of last year. They were mature plants and could be flowering soon.
Paphiopedilum vietnamense and helenae — all are considered legal
Paphiopedilum wenshanense are considered legal because they entered the country during a period where they were
considered to be x Paph. conco-bellatulum
Interesting. I was actually wondering if there was a legal means for acquiring hangianum -- would love to get one some day. So, I guess that answers my question. Even if they aren't readily available in the U.S., it's only a matter of time now.
This is on the AOS webpage on the left hand side under the image of the January issue of 'Orchids' in the section labelled FYI. 'Judging Illegal Paphs' I think there's a thread here on this already. Its been there for a few months.

AOS judges know this already and there's been some discussion amongst them, and since we are going into the show season its good for newsletters to let exhibitors and club members about this. Hence its on the AOS front page. We should tell our newsletter editors about it too.
Yup, Perner brought a bunch of Hang to last year's Paph Forum. But interesting that hybrid hangs are illegal.

I think that is because no legal hangianum have been in the USA long enough to be blooming size. It's possible, if some of Hengduan's legal hangianums have bloomed in the USA, that there could be legal hybrids in/going to flask.
I shared a hangianum flask that was brought in legally and not through Piping Rock. I can't remember where we got it but we have the paperwork.
This will probably be updated soon. Asendorfer was selling small Paph. gigantifolium seedlings and one or two of its hybrids with legal paperwork at Redland last week.
Anybody know the status of Phrag. braziliensis? I just realized mine was in bloom a couple days ago so I selfed it. I know it is rare enough that people have been selling it at $1000 (or at least asking that much, Alex was looking for $500).

Anyway, if I do get flasks I want to be able to sell them (for less, of course!).
This is another reason why I am not a AOS member. The plants are not illegal, only undocumented. The AOS has to get with the times. Offspring of undocumented aliens are legal, the same should hold true for plants.
This is another reason why I am not a AOS member. The plants are not illegal, only undocumented. The AOS has to get with the times. Offspring of undocumented aliens are legal, the same should hold true for plants.

AOS does not determine if anything is legal, only that they will not judge undocumented species.
Seems like the AOS should be more concerned with flower quality than political acceptability :evil:

If a species or it's hybrids are considered legal anywhere among signatory nations, shouldn't it be judge-able in any signatory nation. Why shouldn't it be?

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